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When we got into the house ,Joan  took my luggage and directed me to the room I will be staying.

The living room was beautifully decorated. 4 big couches adorned the room. A nice center table adorned the middle. A large TV sets stood proudly on the wall. Plush rugs was splayed on the floor. Pics of Jude and Joan adorned the wall. I am Joan graduation pics stood at one corner.plush curtains ,deep brown in colour covered the window planes. The decor was absolutely stunning.

Joan led me down a corridor that was set with beautiful lights and stopped at a closed door.

This is your room.. She said opening the door and entering.

I followed her in and absorb all the beauty of the room. The room was simple yet elegant. I love the plan white and little touches of pink decor. The queen sized bed stood proudly at the center.

It's beautiful ...i said smiling.

Am glad u like it... Joan said plopping down on the bed.

So like seriously I've really missed you. I said joining her on the bed.

Me too .she said kissing my cheek

We gisted(talked) for like ever, catching up on Wat we have missed on.

Tanks everyone for giving my novel a chance. I promise you won't be dissapointed. The starting may seem boring. But the fun is just about to begin.

Seatbelt and hold on tight because you all are in for a crazy ride. 😂😂😂😂

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Love #favvy.

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