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The guy was kinda rude, Wat do I expect.... Rich dudes are rude.

He just left everyone behind and went to God knows where.

I followed Jude and Joan to their car to get my luggages...

Am gonna miss you honey bunny.... Joan said hugging me tight.

You can come visit... And besides am not staying here forever.

But still..... She said sadly....

No but just get in.... Jude is waiting..

Are u sure u don't want to stay with us......

No... I don't want to be a burden on you guys...... I said kissing her cheeks.

Bye babe..... She said entering the car.

Bye Jude, thanks for everything, I really appreciate...

Are u sure u comfortable staying with this guy..... He asked.

Yeah am cool....

OK baby doll, we promise to come visit.

Bye I said kissing his cheeks..

Just call me if he tries anything funny with you OK.....jude said seriously.

Go before you make Joan jealous and he won't. Am a tough babe.... I said which made them laughed...

Bye ...i waved as they drove out...

They really love you...... John said walking up to me...... I had completely forgotten he was around.

Yeah... I said smiling at him.

Come on in let me show you to your room before I leave.

OK thanks.......

Welcome...... He said smiling.

I could really see myself working with this guy. Like he was totally nice. And handsome......

I quickly followed him as he lead me into the house..... And to my room..

Hmm. I see someone falling...... Lol just kidding.

So what do you think of this chapter....

Do u really think Jason is rude..

Please leave your comments on Wat u think.

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Tanks everyone for giving my novel a chance.


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