Chapter 65

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Tris Pov

I sit with Tobias on our bed. I look over to the side and see the bowl of soup on the floor. I pull his hands off of me and he pulls me back.

"There's soup on the floor" I say and he smiles. I kiss him and he kisses me back. He brushes his fingers throw my short hair and I giggle.

"I like your hair like this" he says and I smile.

There's a knock at the door and he gets up to answer.

Fours Pov

I sit with Tris. We kiss back and forth. I compliment her hair then she smiles. I'm about to kiss her when there's a knock at the door. It's our friends. They have flowers and Teddy Bears.

"I guess you guys heard" I say

"We're so sorry" Zeke says

"Where's Tris, we haven't seen her in forever, Can we see how she's doing" Christina says.

"Guys just be easy on her. Today's the first day I seen her smile, in a while" I whisper

"Okay" they say. Walking in with their gifts for Tris. Tris sits up in bed. They realize the tissues and the bowl of soup. The they see Tris and her cut hair.

"Hey Tris" Christina says

"How you holding up" she adds

Tris Pov

"Good, trying to move on with my life" I say

"Like the new hair due" Zeke says

"Thanks, wasn't expecting on cutting my hair off, just happened, like everything else in the world" I say and Tobias hugs me.

"Tris be nice" tobias whispers in my hear and I look at him.

"Well we brought this stuff for you and Four" Uriah says and they hand us all the teddy bears and Tobias grabs the flowers and puts them in a vase. Christina starts to cry and walks out of the room. Will walks out and brings her back in the room.

"Be strong for her" he whispers

"I'm sorry Tris" she says and I get up to hug her.

"Sorry about your loss tris and Four" Zeke says.

"Well we haven't seen you guys in forever, so I thought you guys would like to come over and play some games or something" Shaunna says

"That sounds like fun, we'll think about it" Tobias says

"I'm not going" I say walking to the bathroom.

"Excuse me" I say running to the bathroom. I lock the door and sit behind the door. I place my head in my knees and cry. Why is my life like this. I had an amazing life with my family. One by one there getting eliminated. That's what I get for being a bad mother.

"That's not True" Tobias says on the other side. I said that out loud. "Open the door please" he says I turn around and unlock it, revealing a crying Tobias. He picks me up and we sit together on our bed. He wipes my tears and I look up at him and hug him.

"Sorry" I say

"Sorry for what" he says

"Being such and emotional reck" I say

"That's what happens when you loose the people you love" he says and he kisses my head.

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" he says. I lay my head in his chest. He holds me for what seems forever when I just get up and say

"I'm hungry"

"Well you haven't been eating. I can see why your hungry." he says and I smile.

"Let's go down to the dining hall, Let's start over. I don't want to be sad and miserable. We can put this behind us and have our honey moon like we said because we only have each other" I say and he kisses me.

"I love your Beatrice Eaton" he says

"I love you more Tobias Eaton" I say and we walk hand and hand to the dining hall.

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