Chapter 30

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Tris Pov
I lay with Four and we interwind fingers. He kisses my head and I smile.
" What you thinking about " he says
" You " I say
" Really good or bad thoughts " he says
" Good " I say
" Like what " he says
" Not telling you " I say giving him a kiss and he kisses back.
" I can't wait to marry you " he says
" Me either " I say giving him another kiss. He looks over at the clock and gets out of bed.
" I have to go " he says
" Okay " I say
" See you at the altar " he says and I laugh as soon as he leaves. A few minutes later the girls burst threw the door with make up and hair brushes. Christina tells me to sit down and I listen. Marlene does my make up and Shaunna prepares all the stuff I have to wear. A few minutes later after all of that stuff is done. I get in my long white dress and my shoes. If Christina wasn't controlling my wedding I would wear jeans and a shirt but she said I couldn't so I'm wearing this dress.

SORRY it's short I just had to write something k love you guys.

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