Chapter 19

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Tris Pov

I walk into the apartment and I go to the kitchen to get a banana. Four walks out of the room and kisses my head.

" So how was work " he says

" Good, I forgot tell Tori I was pregnant so she was happy about that. " I say

" How do you forget to tell Tori " he says

" I don't know i've been so distracted " I say, then I realize the thing about Susan.

" Guess what " I say

" What " he says

" One of the initiates are pregnant. who" I say

" Susan, she's the most slut out of them" he says and I laugh.

" Yeah but she's actually nice " I say

" Really you think she's nice " he says

" Well we were talking and she needed someone to talk to so I talked to her and we just connected. " I say

" Remember the time she kissed me and flirted with me, then you beat the crap out of her " he says with a laugh and I laugh too.

" Yeah but she's scared, imagine you were 16 and pregnant. I would be scared out of my mind " I say and he picks me up and spins me and I kiss him.

" Who's idea was it to plan a party at our house " I say and he laughs

" Yours " he says

" No it wasn't it was you " I say

" No it was Zeke " he says and I laugh, but pecks my lips and I pull away backing up because I don't want this to turn into a make out session. I grab the counter but the bow of nachos four was eating falls and I slips and then so does he. He lands on top of me and I laugh. I wrap my arms around his neck and we laugh.

" Are you okay " he says

" Never better " I say and I kiss him. He smiles and kisses back. I pull away and smile.

" I'll clean this up " I say and he laughs

" No I'll clean it " he says and I just smile

" Good because I want to take a shower" I say

I take a shower then put on a black dress with small black heels. Four wears a black shirt with black pants. We walk hand and hand to the Test room. Since we are leaders we hand to walk every initiates fear landscape to see who gets put in Dauntless.


Everybody goes and most of the initiates pass but 2 Chris and Annabelle and all the dauntless born make it but one some girl named Stacey. All the initiates are cheering once we tell them who ranked first. Susan ranked 4th which is good for a girl. The initiates are going crazy so me and four just go to our friends table.

" Finally " I say

" Yeah I'm glad I initiation is over " Uriah says

" So are you guys coming to the party " Four says

"Yeah " they say

" me shopping " Christina says

" Oh no were not " I say then Susan walks over.

" Six can I talk to you " she says scared

" Yeah " I say, getting up and walking away from the table with her.

" What's up " I say and she starts crying

" I don't think I can do this on my own" she says and I just pull her into the hallway

" Can't do what, can't take care of the baby, trust me I'm scared out of my mind too. I'm only twenty. I wasn't planning on having a baby in a long time. " I say and she wipes her tears

" I'm scared " she says

" Hey your dauntless over come that fear and that's not just coming from six your friend it's coming from six your instructor " I say

" We're friends " she says

" I guess we are " I say and I give her a hug.

" I Don't wanna see you cry anymore, we'll do this together " I say and I give her another hug. A little pain comes from my stomach and I bend down and hold my stomach.

" Oh my god six are you okay, want me to get four " she says and I just stand back up and shake my head no.

" No I'm fine, I just moved to fast " I say and she nods.

" You sure " she says and I just nod.

" Susan " I say and she replys with a nod.

" Call me Tris " I say and she smiles

" Cool " she says

" How about we go back " I say and she shrugs

" Can I sit with you, I promise I won't say anything.." she says and I interrupt her by saying " Yes "

" I have no problem with you sitting with me but what's wrong with your table " I say

" Everybody thinks I'm a slut " she says and I just keep walking.

" Want me to scare the living daylights out of them " I say

" No it's fine " she says

" have you told Steven yet " I say

" No, I'm to scared " she says

" If you don't tell him, I will " I say and we laugh

" I'll tell him today " she says

" Okay " I say and we reach the table and the group just stares at us.

Tris and FourWhere stories live. Discover now