Chapter 13

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Tris Pov

We walk into Dauntless clothes and I just groan.

" So what are we getting " I say

" How about we leave this store and go to the lingerie store " she says

" Why would we go there " I say covering my face and laughing.

" Well you and Four were about to get it on before I interrupted " she says wiggling her eyebrows.

" We weren't going to do anything, I'm pregnant " I say giggling.

" Yeah right, pregnant people can have sex " she says and I laugh.

" Christina... were not going to the lingerie store " I say and she grabs my hand and drags me into the store. We start walking around and Christina sees something.

" Lingerie for pregnant people " she says and screams with excitement.

" I'm leaving " I say and Christina pulls me into the changing room and makes me try on things.

Time laps to back at Tris apartment

Christina made me get a whole bunch of maternity clothes and lingerie. I walk into our room where Four is getting ready. I sit on the bed with him and he pulls me to his lap.

" Hey babe, I missed you " he says and i give him a kiss. Before he deepens it, I pull away.

" I have to get ready " I say and get ready in the bathroom. I put on one of the new bras I got and then I put on a black loose shirt with a black tank top and black skinny jeans with flats. I do my make up. Simple eye liner and mascara. Then I curl my hair at the tips a little and then walk about and feel strong arms wrap around me.

" You look beautiful " he says

" You don't look so bad your self " I say and I turn around and kiss him.

" How do you think the initiates are going to be " he says

" Shocked at first, I know I was. " I say and I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist.

" Thinking about it, do we have to go to this party, we've been to so many " he says rubbing his hands up and down my stomach.

" Yes we do " I say and laugh. I give him a kiss and he goes to deepen it and I let him, then I pull away. I grab his hand and we go.

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