Chapter 27

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Tris Pov
9 months pregnant
( had to skip wanted the story to go on )

Me and Christina are at her house because we both had off for work and I get a sharp pain in the middle of my stomach. I wince and she ask if I'm okay. I nod yes and she just keeps talking about her shoe problem. After about two minutes the pain comes back. I wince again.
" Tris what's wrong you keep wincing and you know your 9 months pregnant, the baby is coming any day now " she says
" I know but it doesn't seem real yet. " I say and another sharp pain comes.
" Here sit, I'll call four " she says
" Okay " I say holding my stomach because the pain is starting to get worst.
" Hey four, tris is having really bad pains, so I think the baby is coming " she says in the phone to four. She hangs up and points her attention to me. Christina is 5 months pregnant almost 6 so her baby is going to be due in a few months.
" Okay so what do you want me to do to help " she says and I just wince in pain holding my stomach and bending down.
" Just... get four... oww... " I say to her
" He's coming " she says and I just groan. It hurts so much and it's starting to hurt even more than before. Theres a knock at the door and Christina answers it. Its four. He runs up to me and gives me a hug. I start to cry because the pain is getting worse. He helps me up and we walk to the hospital. Then all of a sudden I feel like I just had an accident on myself but it's just my that my water broke. I stop for a second and four gives me a worried look.
" What's wrong " he says
" My water broke " I say and hold my stomach. We get to the hospital and they put me in a delivery room. I turn on my side to try and stop the pain and four rubs my back and Christina holds my hand. She called the others but I don't really care if they come or not I just want this baby out of my. I can't take the pain no more.
" When is the pain going to stop " I say to four.
" Maybe later " he says
" Later " I say shocked " it's been and hour already " I say
" Want me to sit with you " he says
" I don't care " I say kind of grouchy. He scoops me up and I lay in his chest like a puzzle piece. I start to cry and Four tries to calm me down. The doctor comes in once in a while to check me out. Finally after 4 hours the doctor says I can deliver the baby.
I can't believe I did it. I can't believe I gave birth to my baby. I never thought this day would never end. Me and Four wanted the gender to be a surprise. We had a baby...


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