Chapter 33

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Tris Pov

I wake up to crying. Shailenes crying. I get up but four brings me back down.

"I'll get it"he says and I smile. Before he gets up I kiss him.

"Thanks honey"I say.

Four Pov

I hear shailene crying so I'm about to get up when Tris gets up to take care of the baby. I pull her back down.

"I'll get it"I say and she kisses me.

"Thanks" she says laying back down. its only 4 o'clock in the morning so I'll just comfort Shai and then go back to sleep with Tris. I pick the crying shailene up and rock her in my arms.

"Uhh come on shai daddy is really tired, what's wrong?"i say to her.

"Ma" she says trying to say mom. I think she's hungry. I carry Shailene to our room and wake up tris.

"Babe, wake up Shailenes hungry"i say to Tris. She gets out of the covers and sits up. I give her shailene and tris groans.

"This is why I should've just got up and get her" she says with a smile.

"I was just trying to be nice"I say

"I know I'm sorry" she says

"I should've made her a bottle, I forgot" she says lifting her shirt so Shai can drink.

"When can I stop breast feeding"she says

"Whenever you want" I say

"How about tomorrow, regular milk for now on. I don't think my boobs can take this anymore" she says giving me back Shailene and I laugh. I kiss her and she giggles.

"I'll be right back" I say

"Okay" she says and I take shai back to her room so she can sleep. I kiss her cheek and lay her in her crib. I go back to our room and sit next to Tris. I kiss her and she pecks my lips. She smiles and I smile back.

"I love you" I say

"Love you too" she says pecking my lips and I kiss her back. We kiss for a while until I get on top of her and tug on her shirt. Once I know it all of our clothes are off and after that me and Tris lays on me slowly falling asleep as I play with her hair.

The next morning I wake up and kiss Tris. She smiles and finally kisses back.

"I'm surprised Shailene is still sleeping" she says and I smile. "maybe I should check on her" she says sitting up.

"Let's enjoy mommy and daddy time while it last" I say kissing her. "Remember she woke up really early this morning" I say and she nods and I kiss her. She giggles as I kiss her neck. Our hands interwind and I'm about to get on top of tris when we hear the crying. I groan and Tris giggles.

"Looks like mommy and daddy time is over" She say pecking my lips and getting her robe on to get shai.

Tris and FourOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora