Chapter 25

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Tris Pov

I sit on my bed and Four comes and sits on the other side. He scoops me up and I lay my head in his chest.

" don't cry " he says

" I'm not "I lie

" Look at me " he says and I look up at him with tears going down my face. He wipes them a way and he kisses my head.

" You okay " he says

" I don't want my dad here " I say

" It's going to be okay " he says

" Know we have to work together and we're always going to be together " I say

" Who's coming next Caleb " I say and he starts laughing " Four it's not funny " I say

" Your so cute when your upset " he says

" Your just always cute " I say giggling

" Come here " he says putting me back on his lap. He holds my waist and kisses my head. I turn around and kiss his lips. We kiss until we hear a knock at the door. Four gives me one last peck and walks to get the door. I get up and follow. He opens the door and its Caleb.

" Hello "he says

" You have to be kidding me " I say

" Brother can't see his sister " he says

" We haven't talked in 3 years " I say

" How's your Dauntless life been " he says

" Amazing "I say "yours "

" Well you look like your having an amazing time getting pregnant " he says

" Sure am " I say

" No but my life is good, I wanted to invite you to my wedding. " He says

Handing me and invitation and I read it.

" Great August 3rd the day I wanted our wedding to be " I say showing Four the invitation.

" Didn't know you were getting married as well Beatrice " he says

" Yeah and that's the day I planned my wedding " I say

" Two minds think a like " he says " good bye beatrice, four " he says and I shut the door.

" I think I need a nap " I say and Four laughs.

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