Chapter 31

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Tris Pov

I walk down the beach aisle and everybody is looking at me. I see Shailene and I just want to cry. I missed her and it's only been one day. I see Four smiling. I can't wait to marry him. I finally reach myself to Four and we hold hands. The Amity man that is marring us begins to talk. Most of the time I'm not paying attention because me and four are looking into each other eyes but then the only thing I hear is when he tells us to say I do and to kiss the bride. Four kisses my lips for a few seconds then we cheer and walk down the aisle then meet our friends so they could congratulate us.

" How does it feel to be married. " Zeke says to Four.

" Well for the total minute I've been married it's been great " he says looking at me and I give him a kiss. My mom runs up to me and gives me a hug. She hugs Four too and my dad kisses me on the head and gives four a manly hug. My mom starts to cry and she's about to make me cry.

" Mom don't cry, what's wrong. "I say laughing and wiping her tears.

"Both of my children are all grown up, getting married and having kids. I'm so proud of you" she says and I give her a huge hug. We walk to our small restaurant we reserved and celebrate there. I hold Fours hand under the table and then Shailene starts to cry my mom hands me her and I try to calm her down. I kiss her check and let Four play with her. He shoots her up in the air and she giggles. I tickle her stomach and she giggles. The food come and she gets excited. The restaurant gives her little meal and we eat ours. My mom offers to take her back but I keep her. I cut her sandwich in little pieces and give them to her slowly. I eat my food and four eats his. Our friends surprise us with chocolate cake and we smile and laugh. We finish eating and know that it's that time that we have to give Shailene to grandma. I kiss her cheek and tickle her one last time then hugs me and Four kisses her and she hugs him. Four and I have one more night to our selfs before we have to go back to taking care of a one year old again. My mom waves good bye and my dad gives me a kiss. He shakes Fours hand and Four wraps his arms around my waist. I kiss him and he kisses back. Our friends walk up to us and we pull away.

" So party or do you want to get on with your life " Zeke says. Me and Four look at each other and just decide to be alone. It is our wedding night. I kiss four and take off my heels. We open our door and Our night begins.


The next morning me and Four lay together and smile. He gets out of bed and I pull him back.

"Where are you going" I whine and he wraps his arms back around me again.

"No where now " he says giving me kiss.

" But we have to leave by 10 and its 9 so we should start packing our stuff and getting home " he says

"I love you " I say

" I love you too Mrs.Eaton" he says and we get up and get ready.

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