Chapter 32

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Tris Pov
We just got home and we get greeted by dauntless members about our marriage. All of Dauntless is excited and I just can't wait to spend time with my family. We walk into our apartment and Shailene runs over to us and hugs my knees and I hug her back.
"Mommy" she says and I giggle.
"Hi baby, I missed you so much" I say and Four grabs her and kisses her check.
"Daddy missed you too" four says to her and she gives him a hug. My mom and dad walk over to us and greet us with hellos.
"Was she any trouble last night" I say and four puts shai down so she can play with her toys.
"No she was an angel like always" they say and I smile.
"How was the rest of your wedding" my mom ask and I just look at four and he looks at me.
"Great" we say at the same time. My mom gives me a hug and my dad kisses my head and they leave. "thanks" I say before they leave and I go and sit with shailene and play with her. Four takes our bags to our room. He lifts me onto his lap and leaves shailene playing alone. He kisses me and I kiss back. I pull away remembering Shailene is here.
"I wish we could of spend more time together. One day for a honeymoon is not enough" he says and I laugh pecking his lips. Shailene starts to cry and I pick her up and try to calm her down. I kiss her checks and bring her to her room and Four follows. I change her diaper and put her in pjs.
"Okay night night shai" I say kissing her head and closing the door. I'm kissed by Four and I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.
"What are we doing" I say
"Wanna stop" he says and I just kiss him again and he kisses back. We eventually fall back into our room. We lay in bed for a while, wrapped in each others arms in silence. Once in a while Four would kiss my head and I would kiss him back. This time he kisses me back on the lips and I smile.

"Tris" he says

"Yeah" I say looking up at him

"I love you" he says

"I love you too" I say

"I love you three" he says

"I love you four" I say and he kisses me and we fall asleep.

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