Chapter 20

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Tris Pov

" Guys remember Susan " I say
" Yeah boob girl " Uriah says and they all laugh and Susan just stands there quite.
" Here you can sit next to me " I say and she sits next to me and I sit next to four.
" Just wondering, why are you sitting with us " Christina says
" People in my table don't like me " she says
" Why what did you do " Zeke says
" I got pregnant so everyone considers me a slut " she says and I laugh
" You do know there's 2 other pregnant people at this table, it doesn't matter what they think. " I say
" Well I just don't know what to do anymore, everyone stares at me and calls me things " she says
" Tris is a dauntless leader when everyone found out she was pregnant people would say things, she was on the news paper " Christina says
" Well those are all good things " she says
" Not all of them " I say " My dad is mad at me, but do you think I care and that's coming from my dad " I say and she smiles
" You guys are really cool, I wish I had friends like you " she says
" Let me ask you one thing, do you like shopping " Christina says
" I love shopping but all the girls in my initiate class would never want to come with me " she says and Christina screams
" Oh my gosh, I've just found the other side of me. Wanna go shopping new bestie " Christina says and I laugh.
" Sure " she says and they run to go shopping.
" Great now she doesn't have to bother me " I say and I lay my head on Four.
" Come on we have to get ready for the party " he says and I groan.
" Why can't Zeke help you, my feet hurt" I say and he chuckles
" Come on sleeping beauty " he says picking me up and walking us back to the apartment. He opens the door and puts me down. I wrap my arms around his neck and stand on my tipie toes and kiss him.
" No your not going to distract me " he says and I kiss him again.
" Tris, really we have to get ready for the party " he says and I kiss him and he kisses back. " there now come on " he says and I pout. I take off my heels and walk bare footed around the house as we get ready. Me and Four have gifts for all of our initiates. This was a good class. I liked this year of initiates. We finish setting up everything so I sit on the couch cuddled up with four. He plays with my hair and I giggle.
" I'm so exhausted and the party hasn't even started, how does Zeke do this almost every weekend. " I say and four laughs
" Maybe because he's not pregnant and tired all the time " he says and I laugh
" Yeah maybe that's the problem " I say twisting my engagement ring. I love the black diamonds and the engraving that says 4+6. I love Four and I can't wait to marry him. I guess we can focus on the wedding now that initiations over but we still have leader work to do unless we take some time off but we can always do office work at home which is more comfy. I kiss four on the head and get up but Four pulls me down and kisses my lips. Soft and Gentle. I get up and run to the bathroom to puke my guts out. I hate when this happens. Four holds my hair since I let it be down today and he rubs my back. I wash my mouth like always and I walk out the bathroom and Four picks me up and spins me.
" You okay " he says
" Yeah just baby sickness like always " I say and he picks me up and let's me lay my head on his shoulder.
" What's wrong " he says
" Tired " I say and then the doorbell rings
" YAYYY lets get this party started " I say sarcastically and Four laughs. It's Susan and Christina and there wearing matching outfits. Something tells me I'm going to loose my best friend.

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