Chapter 36

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Tris Pov 2 days later

It's been a day since the new initiates came. I can't stand being in a room with Four. Then Lauren comes in every 5 minutes. it drives me crazy. Today we're learning how to throw knifes. I watch the initiates carefully and so does Four. Then Lauren comes in and walks up to Four.

"Really why is she always in here" a initiate named Chloe says.

"That's what I'm saying" I say jumping down from the table I was sitting on.

"Aww poor little Tris still upset that I stole her handsome little husband" she says walking up to me. "what are you going to do cry. Like you've been doing for the past year." she says and Four tells her to stop. I punch her straight in the jaw and she tries to punch back but I block the punch and kick her. Four holds her back and Uriah came out of no where and holds me back.

"Tris stop" he says and I just walk out of the room. I go to my apartment and lay on my bed. I let tears fall out of my eyes. Theres a knock at the door. Probably Uriah checking on me. I open the door and see Max. He walks in and tells me to sit. I already know where this is going. This is not the first time I l've left work it's my third. I sit and Max looks at me.

"Now what was it this time" he says knowing the process.

"Who else Lauren. Shes distracting me from working. She comes in every five minutes" I say and he holds my hand and I look up.

"Tris I know the divorce is hard for you but you need to stop leaving work" he says "first a leaders meeting, then Tori told me about the day you just didn't come to work, and now while training the initiates causing a fight " he says and I put my head down.

"Your better than this, I know you are" he adds and walks to the door to leave.

"Thanks max" I say

"No problem" he says leaving and I just let more tears fall.

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