Chapter 60

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Tris Pov

1 week later

I'm finally home. It was hard seeing Lauren flirt with Tobias every 5 minutes. But he didn't look like he wanted to talk to her back. He's the one who said he needs a break. I drop my bags in our room and accidentally bump into Tobias. Making me fall.

"I'm so sorry" I say trying to get up.

"No let me" he says helping me up. Holding my hand for a few seconds and I pull it away.

"You didn't have to help me." I say looking away.

"Well I knocked you down." He says
"Plus your my pregnant 'wife' I'm suppose to help you " he says

"Well you didn't seem that way a week ago" I say

"Ughh tris. You never seem to shut up" he says and I just walk out.
"Where are you going" he ask

"To get our kids, why do you care" I say leaving the apartment. I walk down the familiar halls of Dauntless and decide to see what Emily is up to. She recently just moved in an apartment next to Christina's. I knock on the door and wait for her to answer. It takes a few seconds until she comes. She opens the door and I see a recent initiate Kevin.

"Hey Em, Kevin" I say confused.

"Hey. Kevin was just leaving" she says pushing him out the door. She lets me in and I stare at her.

"What was Kevin doing here" I say crossing my arms.

"He's an old friend" she says and I wink.

"Yeah is that explains you red lips and your messy hair" I say laughing.

"Shut up tris" she says and let's me sit down.

"So how is it, living on your own" I say

"It's good" she says "different, but good"

"So how are things with you and my brother" she says

"Can we just not talk about that" I say

"Sorry" she says

"I know a really good restaurant here, wanna go" I say and she nods.

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