Chapter 8

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Tris Pov

I come back from work and see Tobias sitting on the couch watching Porn. I cover my eyes and scream.

" TOBIAS EATON WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WATCHING " I say and he turns off the Tv.

" Ughh... hey honey....that's nothing.... Zeke told me to watch it " he says and looks down at the ground.

" That is so gross, people filmed having sex. Don't watch that. Why would you watch that? Are you horny or I don't even get it " I say and sit down before I pass out.

" No I just was curious because Zeke told me too " he says and sits next to me. " I won't watch it anymore " he says

" Good, because I almost had a heart attack. " I say and walk over to the get a take out menu from the kitchen.

" Can we order from the dauntless diner " I say to him

" Yeah, I don't care I'm just very hungry" he says and sits in the living room watching Tv. I order a burger with fries for Tobias and a chicken sandwich for me with cheese fries and I get to chocolate shakes for me and Tobias with a small dauntless cake, so that we can have when we want, instead of walking all the way down to the dining hall.

~~~~30 minutes later~~~~~

The food finally comes and we eat and talk.

" How was work " he says

" Good " I say " just can't wait for initiation tomorrow " I say excited.

" I know me either. The control room gets pretty boring too " he says and I grab his plate and take it to the kitchen to throw away.

" I'm going to go take a shower " I say " can you wash the dishes that are in the sink " I say with a yawn.

" Yes I can " he says and gives me a peck on the lips and I go to take a shower.

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