Chapter 34

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Tris Pov
2 months

It's been hard getting to be with my family and friends. Me and Tobias are working constantly and being parents. We just come home tired. Shailene spends most of her time at her grandparents house. But today I get a day off both jobs, but of course Tobias has to work an extra shift because someone's out of work. I decide to bring him lunch. I walk to the control room and I'm greeted by Tobias's boss.

"Hey tris" Steven his boss says

"Hi, have you seen four" I say looking around.

"Four has off today" He say and I say okay and leave. Why didn't he tell me. Maybe he's surprising me with something. A whole bunch of thoughts go through my mind. I walk around the compound looking for Tobias. I walk to the chasm, pit, net, and then I decide to look in the training room. I open the door and my heart shatters. I can't believe what I see. I drop his lunch on the floor and kick the cart of knifes making a loud noise. I can't believe Four was cheating on me with Lauren. I run out of the training room and back to my apartment. Fours cheating on me with his ex girlfriend. He runs into the apartment and runs up to me. He tries touching me but I push him away. I grab a whole bunch of my stuff and put it in bags and get a whole bunch of Shailenes stuff. I'm about to leave when Tobias calls me. I turn around and look at him.

"Tris can we tall" he says

"Okay you want to talk. How about we talk about a divorce" I say crying my eyes out. He runs up to me and holds my hands.

"She kissed me first" he says

"So that doesn't mean you kiss her back" I say

"It just happened" he says

"Wow all he stupid things to say to your wife" I say "first you lied to me. you told me you were at work. Then I tried to surprise you with lunch and you didn't have work. Then I find you kissing Lauren. Lauren your ex-girlfriend. What happened to me being your wife" I say crying. I give him my wedding ring and throw my engagement ring on the floor.

"We're done four" I say and walk out the door.

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