CH 11: Terrible First Impressions

Start from the beginning

Luke pressed his lips together. His mind recalled the faces inside the studio. After a short while, he shook his head. "I actually don't know her."

Mikael took a step back. His forehead creased in confusion. Athon Corporation engaged with several models. One of their business partners was Lotus Modelling Agency. The corporation favored a few of their models. He expected it to be one of them.

Jordan watched his expressions. "I told you. You've been gone several weeks. They could have hired a new model. Someone you haven't met yet."

The words sparked an idea in Mikael's head.

His radiant blue eyes dimmed into a glare. The wrinkles on his face deepened. His nostrils flared as he locked his jaw. A dark aura clouded around him. He clenched his hands into fists, his blood simmering in his veins.

"Don't tell me it's another brat that got a shortcut because of a huge sponsor!" he spat, shaking his head. His feet stepped around Luke and marched towards the door. He took long strides, not wasting any time. "She gave away a slot to some rookie? This I have to see."

The surroundings blurred in his vision.

"Damn it, Luna," Mikael hissed under his breath. "She never learns. She is too nice for her own good. I need to put an end to this."

Hurried footsteps ran up the hallway.

"Didn't she do the same thing for you?" Jordan reminded him hot on his heels. "Gave you your first endorsement?"

He remained skeptical despite his friend's negative presumption.

"I know she did but remember those models?" Mikael said. His legs kept walking. "They left Luna in the dust after they received a bigger offer. They broke their contract with Athon Corporation, forgetting about her kindness. They don't even bother to talk to her whenever they cross paths."

Jordan squinted an eye, shrugging. "I get your point but you gotta stop thinking that way each time she hires someone new. Luna ain't complaining. She also didn't let it get to her. She's still giving out opportunities."

Mikael grabbed the door knob. He directed a scowl over his shoulder. "Which bad people take advantage of. If I don't look out for her, who would?"

"Herself." Jordan snorted. Then, his eyes went wide. "Hey—"

His reply reached deaf ears. Mikael had already opened the door. He halted in his steps, observing from the doorway. White light illuminated the opposite side of the room. Gray shades filled up the shoot, highlighting the star color.

Crimson red hair seized the center stage.

Mikael leaned on the frame, crossing his arms over his chest. The model lifted her legs up the chaise. His lips frowned when the satchel bag almost fell. He instantly scorned the woman based on first impressions. He had seen these things in small auditions—the place where she rightfully belonged.

Not only was she clumsy but she was also inexperienced.

Her back was stiff and so was her arm. Her fingers clutched the bag in an awkward spot. The dress hid her legs but he could make out the positions of her foot. It reminded him of an Egyptian sarcophagus which had a carved space for the feet. It allowed the casket to stay upright if lifted up vertically.

Overall, it did not look good.

It didn't even reach amateur level.

Mikael exhaled sharply.

This display only proved his theory correct. They had another wannabe model in the midst. 'How could Luna stand by and let this happen?' He asked himself. She already helped the woman out but the latter still executed poorly.

The looks and makeup wouldn't be enough to hide the horrible posture.

Jordan peeked from outside.

He folded his arm and raised it against the doorway, placing a hand on his hip.

"Not that bad," he whispered.

Mikael stared at him, not even hiding his disdain.

Jordan did a double take before he noticed his friend's sarcastic face. He rolled his eyes at the expression. "Aw, come on. Even you didn't start out flawlessly. I remembered how much you practiced in front of the mirror."

He slapped Mikael with the back of his hand. "Just because you're Mr. Big Shot now doesn't mean you were never like her. Don't be criticizing her just yet."

"She's worse than a beginner." His friend pointed out. Irritation laced every syllable. "I don't know what Luna is thinking. I think this is the worst one I've seen so far. Not even those bitches performed this bad."

"Dude, give her a chance." Jordan exasperated. Mikael was on a roll. He could feel it. It would be a while before his friend came back to his senses. "I thought you were more worried if Luna got played? She could still be a nice girl. Stop the prejudice, would you? If you wanna judge her, talk to her first. Sheesh."

Mikael hung his head, groaning. He heard the camera shutter.

It was one thing for Luna to give a new model a chance...


... but it was another thing if someone sponsored that model.

A lot of the people he met used money to stir the tides. They controlled the system, pulling the strings. If anyone wanted to do that, that person should have something to show for it. The number of disappointments became too many. People he trusted also succumbed to the manipulation.

Thus, it became one of his pet peeves.

He absolutely hated an entitled person who didn't take modelling seriously.

Mikael shifted his attention back on the shoot. The same rigid pose met his gaze. It almost stung his sight. His hands itched to fix the mistakes. He let out the breath that he held without knowing. His eyes squeezed shut.

'This god-awful shoot needs to stop!'

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