Told You (Jack Thompson)

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Prompt: "I told you so."

Summary: Reader is an SSR agent on a mission with Ray Krzeminski and her boyfriend, Jack Thompson. Jack learned a while ago that he should never bet against reader, but Krzeminski still has a few lessons to go.

Day Eleven of Fictober on Tumblr!


"How much you wanna bet she can't make it halfway up the fence?"

Jack scoffed. "I might've taken that bet a long time ago, Krzeminski, but not now. She's gonna make it over the fence and recover the files before we even know what's happening."

I smiled to myself. Jack had been a real piece of work when I'd first met him, but he'd come a long way since then. Of course, if he hadn't, we wouldn't even be on friendly terms, much less dating. Sexist pigs were on my 'don't' list, and Jack had only just made it into the green zone.

Now that we'd been dating a while, though, he was doing much better with his views on women. His decision to bet on me against Krzeminski was proof that he finally had common sense.

Krzeminski, apparently, still didn't. Time for me to try to give him a push in the right direction.

I stared up at the chain link fence in front of me and into the yard beyond it, trying to decide on the best way forward. I was supposed to hop the fence into a compound the SSR had identified as a hotspot for trading old Hydra tech, grab some files for evidence and a location on the next deal, and get out.

Piece of cake.

Jack and Krzeminski were waiting in a van down the road to act as backup. It didn't hurt to have them around, but Jack was right. I was going to be in and out before anyone knew what was happening.

I backed up and got a running start at the fence, grabbing hold and climbing up and over. I dropped down on the other side and landed in a crouch, taking a minute to look around for anyone who may have noticed me.

Not a soul in sight.

"You just lost, Krzeminski." I heard Jack through my earpiece, and I could practically see the smirk on his face. "Care to make another losing bet?"

"Whatever, Thompson. There's no way she's gonna get in and out of there without needing our help. I'll bet on that."

"You're on."

I heard them shuffling and exchanging money over the comms. I smiled to myself. Jack and I had made a lot of money off people betting against me since we started dating, and apparently we were about to make some more.

Since no one was in sight, I decided it was safe to move. I crept around buildings and found cover wherever I could, going for the room at the edge of the compound where our information placed the files we wanted. I glanced in the window and, thankfully, found the room empty. I picked the lock in under a minute and slipped through the door, preparing to hide at a moment's notice as I dug out the files I wanted. Thankfully, no one interrupted me. I was heading back out of the building and towards the van in under ten minutes.

After a quick glance around to make sure I was still clear, I ran back at the fence and scaled it in seconds, dropping triumphantly on the other side. I stayed in secret agent mode until I was out of sight of the compound, then I straightened up and strutted towards the place we'd hidden our van, swinging the files back and forth happily in my hand.

"I told you so," came Jack's voice over the comms. I heard Krzeminski groan, and then my earpiece cut out as Jack flung open the back doors of the van to greet me with a massive grin on his face.

"Beautiful work, sweetheart," he said, strutting towards me with his unique brand of swagger. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed me as soon as he got close enough, and the two of us walked the rest of the way back to the van together. Krzeminski had drug himself out of the van to meet us, still looking a little dumbstruck at my success.

"You know Ray, after so many missions just like this one, I feel like you should've learned not to bet against me by now," I mused, smiling as Jack and I came to a stop in front of our fellow agent. Krzeminski just rolled his eyes and shook his head as he pulled out his wallet.

"Whatever Y/L/N. One of these times I'm gonna win, and you and your boyfriend are gonna have to pay up big time. You're just on the luckiest beginner's win streak of all time."

Jack scowled, but I just rolled my eyes.

"Okay, Ray. I honestly don't mind you betting against me. It's clearly been working out in our favor."

He snorted as he passed a handful of money to Jack. Jack grinned and tucked it into his pocket.

"Alright, Krzeminski, you think you can get the van and the files back by yourself?" asked Jack.

"Why? You two planning on going somewhere?"

"Yeah," said Jack, turning and heading towards the car I'd driven in, meant as a backup plan if something went wrong. "We're going to spend the money you just lost betting against my girlfriend."

I grinned and turned to follow Jack, not even bothering to look at Krzeminski's reaction. Some people were stuck in the past without much hope for change, but Jack and I were making the most of a bad situation. I climbed into the passenger seat as Jack started the car, giving Krzeminski a wave as we pulled onto the road and headed back to New York. Jack reached across the console and took my hand, giving it a light squeeze.

"So, where do you want to go?" he asked.

"Mmm, you pick. As long as it's somewhere with food or drinks or both."

Jack laughed. "Done. Oh, and nice work back there."

"You too. You got Krzeminski to basically double his bet after I made it over the fence."

"We've got this down to a science," Jack said with a grin. My expression mirrored his, and I would've felt a little bad for playing Krzeminski if he weren't such an incurable sexist.

"You think he's ever gonna come to his senses?" I mused, still holding Jack's hand as we watched the scenery fly by.

"Probably not. Krzeminski's a unique breed of thick-headed." Jack paused, and we drove on in comfortable silence for a few moments before he spoke up again. "Who knows, though. I was pretty damn near incurable before you came along and changed my mind."

I grinned and leaned over the console to kiss my boyfriend on the cheek.

"Jack Thompson, I can happily say that you are much different than Ray Krzeminski. For one, you're actually somebody I want to date."

"And thank God for that." Jack grinned, then gave the car a little extra gas. I rolled down the window and let the wind whip my hair around as we drove through the night. It felt right, to be here with Jack, cruising down roads after a successful mission, on our way to buy drinks with money we won in a bet.

We were one hell of a dream team.

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