Other Agents (Angie Martinelli)

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Written for Agent Carter Bingo on Tumblr! Hosted by @agentcarterbingo and running all year! Go check it out!

Square filled: Jealousy

Summary: Angie and Y/N are dating, and have been for a while. Y/N's been crazy busy with work at the SSR, and has been trying to spend any time she can with Angie, but it hasn't been much. Now that the case is finally closed, she can't wait to go spend a nice, calm evening with her girlfriend and get some much needed rest. But unfortunately for Y/N, it might not be quite that easy.


I sighed as I walked through the front doors of the Griffith Hotel with Peggy. It had been a long week of work at the SSR, and Peggy and I had been working ourselves to the bone lately. Now, with the case we'd been dying over safely behind us, Peggy was heading home and I was coming with her to see my girlfriend.

Angie Martinelli was the absolute bright spot in my day, every day of my life. I'd been in and out of the Automat throughout our case with various agents and members of my team, mostly so I could see her at every opportunity I got. Still, we hadn't gotten to spend any time together just the two of us in at least a week, and I was seriously going crazy. Tonight, that came to an end.

One of the serious perks of being a girl and having a girlfriend was that the watchdog Miriam Fry wouldn't stop me from going up to see Angie.

"Alright, this is my stop," said Peggy, staggering to her door just a little down the hall from Angie. "Have a good night, Y/N, and tell Angie hi for me."

"I will," I said with a smile. "Get some sleep, Peg."

"Oh trust me, you don't have to tell me twice."

With that, she disappeared into her apartment. I knew I should've been just as tired as her, but I wasn't. I was just excited. I wanted to see Angie. Maybe the exhaustion would hit me once I was with her, but for now, I felt absolutely wired.

I knocked on the door, then couldn't help tapping my foot as I waited for her to open it. After a few seconds (that felt like an eternity), the door swung open, revealing my girlfriend.

"Hi, babe!" I said, giving her a bright smile and leaning in for a kiss. To my surprise, Angie leaned backwards and stepped away. She walked deeper into the apartment without a word to me, leaving the door ajar behind her.

I followed her inside, gently closing the door behind me. Angie sat at her vanity, putting up her hair to go to sleep without looking at me. I walked close enough to lean against the vanity next to her.

"Angie? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing's wrong," she said without looking up. I sighed.

"Okay, that's clearly not true. Is it about how little we've gotten to see each other? I was planning to make up for that tonight."

"Oh no, I've gotten to watch you plenty."

I blinked a few times and stared at her, trying to figure out what the hell she was talking about. When I couldn't, I grabbed a chair from across the room and pulled it up next to her, then turned her chair so she was facing me. I held onto the armrests so she couldn't turn away from me, and once she realized that, she just glared at me instead.

"Angie. Please tell me what's going on. You're usually the one that wants to have honest conversations about everything, and we're not gonna solve anything if we don't talk."

Angie sighed heavily and slouched back in her chair, determinedly looking everywhere but me. Fortunately, I was an SSR agent. Patience was one of my strongest traits, especially when waiting for an answer from somebody. Eventually, Angie sighed and looked back at me.

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