Friendly Advice (PeggySous)

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Written for day five of Peggysous Week on Tumblr!

Day Five Prompt: Dialogue Prompts

Specific Prompt(s): #2: "Is something funny?" #12: "We can go back to hating each other tomorrow." and #27: "I can't stop thinking about you." from a list of dialogue prompts I have, with selection courtesy of a random number generator.

Summary: Jack's been watching Peggy and Daniel dance around each other since the day she started working at the SSR. He's tired of seeing them exchange longing looks in the bullpen, and especially after finding Daniel in a low moment, Jack decides it's time to take things into his own hands and give Sousa the help he won't give himself.


"See you tomorrow, Peggy!"

Jack watched from his office doorway as Daniel perked up in his chair the second Peggy Carter walked past. He beamed at her, and she gave him an equally cheery farewell before heading out the door. Those two had been dancing around each other for months, and although it sometimes got frustrating to watch, it also never stopped being entertaining.

Daniel watched Peggy until she disappeared around a corner, the smile never leaving his face. Normally, Jack just observed without saying anything, but Daniel looked like a lovesick puppy with hearts coming out of his eyes. He couldn't hold back a chuckle this time.

Daniel whirled on Jack at the noise, the smile on his face transforming into a scowl.

"Is something funny?" he demanded. Jack just laughed and shook his head, arms crossed over his chest as he looked at Sousa.

"Yeah. You. You're staring at Carter like all you want to do is follow her around worshipping the ground she walks on," said Jack with a snort. Daniel's scowl instantly deepened.

"I am not. I was just saying goodbye to a friend."

"Sousa, if you said goodbye to me like that, I'd probably slap you."

Daniel scoffed, but as he turned away to shake his head, Jack noticed a slight blush rising to Daniel's cheeks. Jack just grinned.

"All I'm saying, Sousa, is you might as well go for it. Nothing could be worse than this limbo you're in with Carter now."

"Jack, I'm warning you, mind your own damn business," Daniel growled. Jack just laughed again as he turned to head back into his office.

"Whatever you say, Sousa. I'm just telling you, you and Carter could be a hell of a lot happier if you'd just talk to each other. Or if you got up the guts to ask her out."

Jack closed the door to his office and shut the blinds before Daniel could respond. He had a lot of work to do (he was the Chief of the SSR, after all), and he couldn't let messing with Sousa distract him all day.


Jack sighed, tiredly removing his hat and coat as he walked into the bar. It had been a long, long week of work at the SSR, and all he wanted to do was have a drink and then pass out in his bed at home.

He started heading to an open seat at the bar to do just that when he noticed someone sitting at the far end of the bar, paying no attention to his surroundings. Sousa was nursing a drink, a gloomy expression on his face.

Jack contemplated turning around and going somewhere else. It wouldn't be hard, since there was another bar less than a block away, and Daniel hadn't seen him. But, after a few moments of debating with himself, Jack heaved a heavy sigh and headed towards Daniel.

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