Welcome to the Neighborhood! pt. 2 (Jack Thompson)

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Summary: It's been an eventful few days since reader last saw Jack Thompson, and she was honestly starting to think she wasn't going to hear from him since he moved out of the neighborhood. Jack's been busy, but he hasn't been able to stop thinking about the woman with the welcome cookies who dragged him to a barbeque when he didn't want to go and who lead him right to the suspects he was in the neighborhood to hunt down.


I hustled to get my cookies in the oven as the phone starting ringing from the hall. I'd been in the middle of stress-baking, and having a loud, harsh ring sounding through the house was not helping relax me.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" I yelled to the empty house as I slammed the oven door and hustled into the living room to grab the phone. I was in such a rush that I didn't pause to think about who it might be, and when I picked up there was a bit of an edge to my voice. "Hello?"

"Uh, hi... Y/N? It's Jack. Jack Thompson."

I froze on the spot while my brain slowly processed. Jack Thompson, the attractive next door neighbor who'd moved in and out in a matter of days. Who'd disappeared, basically without a trace.

And who'd promised to call and ask me on a date.

"Hello? Are you still there?"

"I'm here!" I said, finally coming back to my senses. "It's, uh... it's good to hear from you. I was starting to think I might never get a call."

I could hear the smile in Jack's voice as he responded.

"Any man stupid enough to not call you back needs to have his head checked."

I smiled, and even though I was alone in my house, I could feel my face heating up. I glanced at the floor and tried to think of something to say next, but luckily for me, Jack spoke up again and saved me from the effort.

"So," he cleared his throat, and I could practically see him shifting and trying to adopt a cool, casual posture. "How have things been since I left the neighborhood?"

"Oh! Oh my gosh, Jack, you don't know! Right after you left, a bunch of government agents showed up and arrested Ruthie and Charles! They wouldn't tell anybody the details, but apparently they were running some kind of illegal ring or other. Can you believe it?"


"I guess you were right to be worried when I called you from their house to lure you to the barbeque!" I continued, resting the phone in the crook of my neck and stretching the cord so I could peek around the corner into the kitchen. I'd left a timer resting on the table, and it told me I had another minute or two before the cookies would require attention. "Can you imagine what might have happened? Ruthie and I had tea every week! I was in that house all the time! It's just so crazy to think she and Charles were doing something illegal the whole time. I thought I knew them so well!"

"Y/N... I have a confession to make."

I turned my full attention back to the man on the phone, resting one hand on my hip.

"Don't tell me you were part of the ring, or some nonsense like that."

"Not... exactly..." Jack didn't say anything else right away, so neither did I. I just waited, and after a few moments, I heard a heavy sigh from Jack. "I'm with the government agents who arrested Charles and Ruth. I moved into the neighborhood as part of an undercover assignment to bust them."

He stopped, and all I could do was stare blankly at the wall as I tried to process. He'd been here undercover the whole time? I guess it explained why he'd moved out so soon after moving in...

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