Edelweiss (PeggySous)

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Summary: It's Peggy and Daniel's wedding day, and like everyone else, they hope nothing goes wrong on their special day. They should've known: as agents of the SSR, they'd never be able to put on a big event without something going wrong. First of seven days/prompts for Peggysous week, run by fandomsandxfiles on Tumblr 😄 get ready for a looooot of Peggysous content in the next week.

Edelweiss Meaning: Signifies deep love and devotion. Native to the Alps, so those who harvest this flower must face danger to prove that love and devotion.


2:08pm — Bride's Room

"Oh my God, Peggy, aren't you excited to get married?" squealed Angie, fussing over her friend's hairdo, which she had taken charge of. Peggy smiled at Angie through the mirror.

"To be perfectly honest, I'm exstatic!"

"Oh, and I bet Daniel is going to look so good in his tux," she continued.

"The Chief sure knows how to dress up, there's no doubt about that," agreed Rose, watching the whole process from a couch near Peggy.

"He's just gonna die when he sees you Peg, he really is," Angie said confidently.

"Hopefully not literally," Peggy replied with a grin. "I do actually want to have a husband at the end of all this."

"Speaking of the groom, I wonder how he's doing right now? Two hours before the wedding that he's gotta spend with Thompson and Aloysius," mused Rose. All three girls shuddered. They liked their group a lot better.


2:14pm — Groom's Room

"That tie looks horrible, come here and let me fix it-"

"Thompson, I swear to God, if you mention my tie one more time-"

"Guys. Relax." Samberly bravely stepped between the two SSR chiefs, looking far braver than he had any business being. "You're both just nervous about the wedding, you gotta stop taking it out on each other."

Jack and Daniel stopped fighting, both turning their frustration and killer glares on Samberly. Samberly, for his part, quickly put his hands up and took a few steps back.

"Or, you know, do whatever you both feel like doing... What do I know anyway, huh?" He laughed nervously, continuing to back towards the door. "You know, I think I'm gonna go get some ice, and maybe a few drinks for everybody... so, uh... I'll be back."

With that, Samberly turned on his heel and rushed out the door. Jack and Daniel both sighed, at last turning back to each other.

"You think the double death glare was too much?" asked Daniel.

"No, I don't." Daniel just rolled his eyes. "But hey, if you really need some space, I can give it to you."

"You can?" Daniel raised an eyebrow, not ready to believe Jack's words at all.

"Yeah, I can. It's your wedding day for God's sake, I want to make it easier, not harder. I'll go get some real drinks instead of whatever garbage Samberly finds to bring back."

Daniel smiled as Thompson headed for the door. They didn't always get along, but after everything they'd been through together, they were as good as brothers.

"Oh, and fix your tie," Jack called over his shoulder as he reached the door. "It looks like shit."

As Jack stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind him, he heard just the beginning of Daniel's disgusted snort before it cut off. He smiled to himself. Mission accomplished.

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