New Office (Daniel Sousa)

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Prompt: Daniel Sousa

Written for Agent Carter Bingo on Tumblr! Go check it out!

Summary: Y/N's been in love with their best friend Daniel Sousa since they both started working at the SSR, but he's been hung up on Peggy since the first time he saw her. Now, however, Peggy's turned him down for a date and he's gone all the way across the country with a promotion to get some distance from her. Y/N went with him, but will it mean a change in anything more than location for the two of them?


"Y/N, where'd we put that hammer?"

"You mean that hammer sticking out of your back pocket?"

Daniel blushed as he realized his mistake, and I grinned at him. He sheepishly took the hammer out of his back pocket and met my gaze.

"You know, I think you'd lose your own head if it weren't for me keeping things straight," I said. Daniel smiled.

"I think you just might be right."

With that, he turned to start working on one of the new desks for the bullpen. We'd been here since six this morning getting things ready for the grand opening of the SSR LA office in a few days, and now it was just a bit past lunch time. We'd made good progress, but there was still a long way to go.

"What do you think the odds are of us actually finishing this place in time for the opening on Monday?" I mused as I worked on my own desk, next to Daniel.

"I feel like we've got a pretty good shot," he said. He paused, then continued, "Besides, there's a few areas we can use to hide the rough edges. My office, for example, since none of the other agents will be going in there."

"Daniel, I say this with no judgement, but I think it's a terrible idea to plan on leaving your office as a disaster zone on the first day the new agents arrive."

"That sure sounded like judgement to me," Daniel said with a smile in my direction. I smiled back, then we continued our work in comfortable silence.

Three months ago, Daniel had taken a job opportunity to leave the New York SSR and head up the LA division as chief. And two months and twenty-nine days ago, I'd taken a job offer to follow him.

Despite the fact that Daniel's new job was decidedly a promotion, I knew the real reason he'd taken it was to get away from Peggy. He'd been completely in love with her since she walked into the office (understandably), and after she turned him down on the offer of a date, he'd just wanted to get out.

I could definitely relate. Daniel and I had been best friends since we both started working at the SSR. And the entire time he'd been hung up on Peggy, I'd been hung up on him. I kept hoping he'd notice that I was interested in him, especially since Peggy didn't seem to be, but he never did. So, like an idiot, I'd followed him to LA anyway on the off chance that something would change.

So far, it hadn't. But even if it never did, I at least got to keep spending time with him and having him in my life.

"Alright, that's one more desk down," said Daniel, leaning back with a sigh as he screwed in the last bolt on his desk.

"Make that two," I said, finishing up my desk right after him.

"Alright, so we've got one more desk to assemble in here, and then a bunch of filing cabinets. Which one do you want?"


"Alright, I'll meet you at the filing cabinets when we're done."

We worked through the rest of the day, just the two of us, banding together as a team and talking and laughing every step of the way. The moments that had us leaning against each other, supporting each other as we worked towards the same goal or rested after a long day of work, made everything else absolutely worth it.

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