Dahlia (PeggySous)

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Summary: Peggy and Daniel were chasing Dottie in Paris, but she managed to give them the slip. Neither of the agents has had a real vacation in years, so they decide to stay a few extra days to just enjoy the sights and end up with a vacation they'll never forget. Peggysous week day four.

Dahlia Meaning: Traveling and making a major life change in a positive way, finding balance between adventure and relaxation, commitment to another person


"I can't believe Dottie got the best of us again!" Peggy slammed the door of the hotel room she shared with her fiancé, Daniel Sousa, before storming over to the phone. "We came all the way to Paris for nothing! Just another damn wild goose chase!"

Peggy dialed angrily, taking some of her frustration out on the phone. Daniel, for his part, just looked tired. They'd been chasing Dottie Underwood around the globe, and hitting another dead end was hard on both of them.

Peggy tapped her foot as the phone rang, waiting for Chief Thompson to pick up back in New York. Suddenly, the line went dead. She glanced down and saw Daniel with his finger on the hook for the receiver, effectively ending the phone call before it could begin.

"Daniel, what are you doing? We have to call Thompson and tell him the news so we can start working on our next steps to catch back up to Dottie."

"Or, we could wait."

"What? What do you mean, wait?"

"Not forever. Not even for very long. But come on Peg, we're in Paris for the first time since we all almost died kicking out the Nazis. I think we've earned a little vacation."

"I don't know, Daniel... Dottie's still running around out there somewhere, and Lord knows Thompson's not going to be able to handle her without us..."

Daniel snorted. "You can say that again. But really, I'm sure he'll be fine for a few extra days. How much trouble can Dottie cause in that much time anyway?"

Peggy took a breath to answer, but Daniel held up a hand to stop her.

"Never mind, don't answer that."

Peggy shook her head, moving from the phone to the window as she thought things through. The streets of Paris were glowing in the early night, and she saw happy couples strolling down the street hand in hand. She knew she had a job to do, and that that job should come first, but the job always came first for her. Didn't she deserve a break? Just a few days, in the City of Love with her fiancé?

Peggy sighed. The amount of trouble Dottie could get into in just a few days could be devastating, but it could also be completely inconsequential. Besides, there were plenty of other agents on the case, and they would all still be keeping an eye out for her. Thompson especially had come a long way since their first run in with Dottie, and he was the Chief of the New York SSR. He'd be able to hold his own against Dottie for at least a few days, right?

"I have a feeling we may regret this, but I'm in," Peggy finally decided, turning back to Daniel. "You're right, we need a break. And I couldn't think of a better place to take a break, or a better person to take it with."

Daniel smiled, walking over to his fianceé. "I'm glad to hear it. Especially glad to hear you'd rather be here with me than Thompson."

Peggy snorted. "I'd rather be here with quite a few people other than Thompson."

"Alright, that's fair. Now come on, we're officially on vacation. Let's start enjoying it."

Peggy grinned. She couldn't remember the last time she'd taken a real vacation, and getting to do it with Daniel just made everything so much sweeter.

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