How Not To Impress Your Future Inlaws (Jack Thompson)

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Summary: Jack Thompson and Y/N are undercover at a gala, looking for Vernon Masters. He's not there, but they might just find someone (or two someones) worse, especially since Y/N has a giant secret crush on Jack Thompson and is in the middle of pretending to be his girlfriend for their jobs.


I sighed dreamily as I stared up into the eyes of none other than Jack Thompson, Chief of the New York SSR and my boss. His arms wrapped securely around my waist as we swayed back and forth together on the dance floor, taking in the soft music and blocking out everything in the world around us as we got completely lost in each other.

Or at least, that's what we wanted everyone around us to think.

The illusion was slightly ruined for Jack and I who could hear Peggy and Daniel's voices crackling over the comms in our ears. We were currently in the middle of an undercover operation for the SSR at a fancy gala event, and Jack and I were pretending to be happily dating, in love, run of the mill civilians.

"Can you see anyone we've tied to Vernon Masters?" demanded Peggy, her voice crackling over the comm device. Jack leaned in like he was whispering something in my ear, using it as cover to respond to Peggy.

"For the fifth time, Marge, no. He's not here and neither are his cronies."

I heard Peggy's huff of irritation on the other end of line (for Jack's nickname for her as much as for the fact we'd come to a mission dead end), but I couldn't entirely focus on it with Jack so close to me like this.

I'd had a crush on him for a while now, one which had only grown as he'd become a better person who trusted me and Peggy as agents and chose the right side over the side that got him power and recognition. Now, I was borderline pining for him, to the point that both Peggy and Daniel had noticed and individually called me on it. I'd given them both hell while they were mooning over each other and doing nothing about it for the better part of two years, though, so I guess I was due some payback.

Still, in this moment, it was more than a little inconvenient. Even though it seemed pretty clear that Vernon Masters and his cronies weren't here, and that we'd somehow been led on a wild goose chase, I'd learned over and over again that getting distracted for even a second on the simplest of missions could get you killed.

Jack's hands suddenly tightened around my waist and his whole body tensed even as he continued to look over my shoulder, and I got the distinct feeling that I might be about to re-learn that lesson yet again.

"Jack? What is it?" I asked, leaning in to whisper in his ear and trying to keep up a calm facade. Peggy and Daniel couldn't see Jack's face, but they could tell from the tone in my voice that something was wrong.

"Is it Masters?" asked Daniel over the comms.

"No," Jack ground out, sounding like it was something far, far worse than Vernon Masters. "He's not here, and we need to bail out of this mission right now."

"Why?" I asked, jumping in before Peggy or Daniel could. I tried to turn us on the dance floor so I could catch sight of whatever he was looking at, but he whirled me away further into the crowd before I could. I pulled back and away from him just enough to look him in the eye. "Jack, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. But our cover's at high risk of getting blown if we don't leave, so we need to go."

I raised an eyebrow, and I heard Peggy and Daniel start protesting and asking questions over the comms. Jack seemed seriously stressed though, so after making one last scan of the room to make sure I really didn't see anything to do with Vernon Masters (or Dottie Underwood, or any of our many other enemies), I snagged Jack's comm-disguised-as-an-ascot out of his jacket pocket and stuffed it into my handbag.

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