Flash Drive (Grant Ward)

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Summary: Reader is a CIA agent tasked with stealing information off the main computer of a criminal organization. Everything's going smoothly until Grant Ward shows up, tasked with the same mission by SHIELD. Only one of them can successfully complete their mission; will it be Grant, or can the reader hold off the famous SHIELD agent?


I took a deep breath in, then let it out slowly. I counted down in my head from three, and when I got to zero, I erupted from my hiding spot and turned the corner into a hallway full of armed guards. I had no gun, and I needed to get in undetected, so I had to be fast and quiet.

I took down the first guard before he even knew I was there. The second one was unconscious before he understood what was happening. I was already to the third guard before any of them managed to draw their guns.

The goal was to avoid any shots being fired (guns are too loud for my purposes), and I moved fast enough that I achieved my goal. I darted around the room so quickly that nobody wanted to take a shot for fear or hitting one of their own. I had the hallway clear in under three minutes.

I paused to separate all the unconscious guards from their weapons, then continued towards my goal: the door at the end of the hallway.

See, I wasn't just hiding in corridors and attacking guards for the challenge of it. The CIA sent me here to steal all the information I could get off the computers of an underground criminal organization we've been tracking for months. After no new developments for the past several weeks, this was our chance to get the case moving again.

I opened the door just a crack so I could peek through, and I saw another handful of guards standing over three computer techs who were working the room. I'd have to move quickly if I wanted to neutralize everyone before they could sound the alarm, but there was a reason the CIA picked me for this job.

I was the best.

I took another few deep breaths to center myself, then flung the door open to take advantage of the element of surprise while I could. I went for the techs first, so they couldn't spread the word with their computers or anything like that. I got clocked in the head while my back was turned to the guards, but I managed to recover.

I swung on the nearest guy, ducking the punch of the next one. I bobbed and weaved my way through the room until, just like the hallway, every last one of them was unconscious on the floor.

I stood the middle of the room once I was done, breathing heavy. I mentally ran through all the parts of my body that hurt, double checking myself for any serious injuries. I was a little battered and bruised, but other than that, I was fine.

Like I said, the best.

Once I'd caught my breath, I headed to the nearest computer terminal. Time to get what I came for and get the hell out of here before any of these guys woke up.

Of course, the thing was password protected. Thankfully, I had a solid base of knowledge in coding. That, coupled with the decoder chip a few of the CIA's best hackers had made for me, and I was past the encryption in no time.

I started clicking through some of the files on the computer, and I let out a low whistle when I saw all the information now at my fingertips.

"Shit. This really is everything," I whispered to myself.

I didn't waste another second before dumping everything I could find onto my hard drive.

Unfortunately for me, that many large files don't exactly transfer quickly. I paced the room while I waited, checking and double checking the doors and unconscious guards.

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