Blind Date (Peggysous)

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Written for Peggysous Week 2022 on Tumblr! Run by @peggysousweek - Go check it out!

Prompts: "I could never move on from you.", Coffee, Blind Date, Confession

Summary: Daniel and Peggy have clearly had feelings for each other much longer than either is willing to admit. After Peggy said no to drinks and Daniel moved to LA to forget his heartbreak, it seemed like they'd missed their chance. When newly-single Daniel moves back to New York, however, they have an opportunity for a second chance. And their friends are going to make SURE they don't miss it.


"What the hell are you doing in here?"

Jack Thompson slowly looked up from his newspaper and peeked up at the person standing before him from under the brim of his hat. Angie Martinelli stood before him, hands on her hips and tapping her foot as she stared down the SSR chief.

"How did you know it was me?" he asked. He'd worn a coat and hat and brought a newspaper all in the hopes of not being recognized.

"Are you kidding me? You stick out like a sore thumb wearing that getup. Now what are you doing in my diner?"

Jack ducked his head and spoke quietly, hoping he could still avoid detection if he really needed to.

"Is Marge here?"

"Who the hell is Marge?"

Jack sighed heavily. Slowly, he looked up to meet Angie's eyes with a glare. She glared right back.


"No, she's not here. Why?"

"You ask a hell of a lot of questions, you know that?"

"Yeah, and you duck a hell of a lot of answers. Now tell me what's going on or I'm calling Peggy right now and telling her you're here."

Jack sighed and ran a hand over his face. Then, he slid over in his seat and gestured for Angie to join him. She just stared back, but something in his face managed to convince her to sit with a huff.

"Daniel's coming back to town," said Jack, keeping his voice low.

"Am I supposed to know what the hell that means?" Angie demanded. Jack whipped off his hat and slammed it onto the table along with the newspaper, finally giving up the charade.

"Alright, don't play dumb with me. You're Carter's best friend. You're clearly smarter than shit, especially since you managed to lie right to me and Sousa last year. So I know you're not blind, and I know you must've noticed how Carter and Sousa look at each other."

"So what if I do?" asked Angie, pointedly looking anywhere but at Jack as she picked at her nails.

"So they were both too dumb to do anything about it before. They missed their shot, and Sousa left for LA. But now he's coming back, and they've got a rare second chance. You and I both know they're gonna miss it if we leave them to their own devices."

"What are you saying?" asked Angie, at last dropping all her fake-aloofness and giving Jack her full attention.

"I'm saying if we ever want to see those two end up together–if I ever want to go into my place of work in peace without those idiots pining from opposite sides of the office for the rest of our lives–you and I need to step in and do something."

Angie paused, taking in the blond before her. He met her stare with unflinching determination.

"Alright," she said after a minute, shifting in her seat to face Jack a little more. "I'm in. What's your plan?"

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