Savor (Angie Martinelli)

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Written for Agent Carter Bingo on Tumblr! Hosted by @agentcarterbingo and running all year! Go check it out!

Square Filled: "I love you."

Summary: Y/N is becoming a doctor, dammit, no matter what prejudiced idiots in the 40s want to try to stop her. With one final hurdle to clear before getting admission to med school, however, she's about to drop from all the studying and sheer exhaustion. Fortunately for her, she's not in it alone.


I sighed as I stared holes into the book in front of me without really seeing any of the words. I'd been studying for so long, everything had lost all meaning.

Since the age of seven, when I'd seen my dad save somebody's life with CPR at a neighborhood event, I'd wanted to be a doctor. Unfortunately, as a woman in the 40s, med schools weren't exactly lining up to admit me. Every step of my life, I'd had to work ten times as hard as all the men around me. But I'd managed to make it pay off. If I passed my final entrance exam, I'd officially be into med school and on my way to becoming a certified, practicing doctor.

One more exam. That mantra had kept me going all week as I kept my head in the books, but now, I could barely understand half the words as they floated through my mind.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could do this. The test was tomorrow, and I just needed to do a little more revision before calling it a night and getting some sleep.

It took me longer than I would've liked to pry my eyes back open, but I finally managed it. I almost started crying at the thought of trying to read my book and understand it, but before the tears could fall, my guardian angel swept in to save the day.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you with me?"

I dragged my attention away from my book to see my wonderful girlfriend, Angie Martinelli, staring down at me with her hands on her hips. I'd been holed up in my apartment for most of the week, so Angie had invited me to study at the Automat for a change of scenery instead. Her general presence was the only reason I'd made it this far before my complete shutdown.

"I'm with you," I sighed. "Most of the world and my books are blurry and I don't think I understand words anymore, but I'm with you."

Angie sighed. She quickly looked around, and when she found the Automat mostly empty, she slid into the seat next to me.

"Honey, I love you, and I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished, but I think you need to call it a night. I came over here because you look like a zombie at this table. You can't ace the test if you're in too bad of shape to even take it."

I sighed. "I know, I know. You're right. I just need to finish this chapter, and then I'll call it a day."

"Okay, no. You just said you don't understand words anymore, that's a pretty damn good sign that you need to stop what you're doing immediately. Have you even eaten today?"

"...Am I gonna be in trouble if I say no?"

Angie just sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose. She stayed like that for a minute, then turned to look at me.

"Alright, here's the plan," she said. I stared back at her, about two seconds away from just keeling over, but my heart still swelled with love just seeing Angie. "I'm gonna go back into the kitchen and make you some scrambled eggs and toast. You're going to trade me your books for a nice, hot meal, and then I'm gonna clock out and we're both gonna go home where you will get some rest."

I hesitated, glancing at the books on my table, but my head started pounding within seconds of seeing them. I grimaced and shut the books at last, then turned to my girlfriend.

"I love you."

She smiled. "I love you too." She squeezed my hand and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek, then stood.

"I'll be right back with some food."

I nodded, then gathered up and stacked my books. I pushed them to a corner of the table, then kicked back on the bench seat of the diner to watch Angie in the kitchen. She was a force of nature, and any time one of her coworkers tried to question her, she shooed them off with the fire and ferocity that had made me fall in love with her in the first place.

Once she finished, she came back to me, two plates in hand. She slid into the seat next to me and passed me the first plate, the one with a little more food.

"Thank you, Angie," I said, leaning into her as I took my first bite. It was absolutely delicious, and I swear I felt the tension melt out of my shoulders.

"You're welcome. Somebody's gotta keep you on your feet so you can go save everybody else, right?"

I just hummed. We sat shoulder to shoulder as we at our food in comfortable silence, then when we finished, Angie took both our plates to the kitchen. As promised, she clocked out, then came back and picked up my giant stack of books.

"If I bring these home with us instead of dumping them somewhere in the kitchen, can you promise me you won't try to go back to them in the middle of the night or something?" she asked. I sighed and nodded my head. Now that I had food in my stomach, the exhaustion was really starting to set in. "Good. Then let's get outta here, huh?"

She shifted the books into one arm, then held out her free hand for me. I smiled as I slid out of the booth and took it, pulling her close to me. We walked for the doors of the Automat, hand-in-hand and shoulder to shoulder.

"Thank you for taking such good care of me," I muttered, leaning over to press a kiss just below her ear as we stumbled into the cool night air. Angie blushed.

"Well, you always take such good care of everybody else, me included," she said. "Somebody's gotta be around to take care of you, too."

She paused, and I squeezed her hand a little tighter as we walked the few blocks to her apartment. Then she continued, speaking up with barely a block left to go.

"I'm just glad it's me taking care of you and not Sarah, or some other girl who'd do a terrible job."

I smiled and gently leaned into Angie, using just enough of my weight to push her off the sidewalk and behind one of the Griffith's big, decorative bushes. She clutched my books in her arms to keep from dropping them as I leaned in, her back against the stone of the building.

"I'm glad it's you, too," I said, leaning in further with every word. "Nobody else comes close to being as amazing, wonderful, and drop dead gorgeous as you."

She grinned as I finished closing the distance between us and kissed her, hard. Despite everything trying to knock me down or exhaust me to the point of quitting, Angie always kept me going. I loved her, and I wanted to make sure she knew just how much.

We both needed to go to bed, and I had a massive test in the morning, so we couldn't get too carried away. But I was damn sure going to savor every second I could get with her. Tonight, and hopefully for the rest of our lives.

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