West vs. East (Daniel Sousa)

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Written for Agent Carter Bingo on Tumblr! Hosted by @agentcarterbingo and running all year! Go check it out!

Square Filled: Game

Summary: Y/N is the LA SSR's new nurse, a position they finally realized was incredibly important to have around after a few near-misses during the Whitney Frost case. They've only been there a week, but an all-SSR picnic and "friendly" East Coast/West Coast competition will give them plenty of chances to make new friends and more.


"Alright Agents! Welcome to the first official East vs. West SSR games tournament!" called Jack Thompson from the front of the picnic. Daniel Sousa, the other SSR Chief, stood next to him, looking less than thrilled to be the center of attention. "If you're competing, head to the field over there. Otherwise, come cheer on the New York branch."

He gave everyone a grin that had half the women swooning and the other half rolling their eyes, then moved to the games field. Chief Sousa, also a member of the eye-roll group, followed, along with a few of the other agents, scientists, and various support staff members who'd gathered for the picnic.

"You heading over there?" I turned to see Rose Roberts, the first friend I'd made at the SSR, joining me with a smile.

"I don't know..." I trailed off, watching the crowd gather. I'd just joined the agency last week, and I didn't really know anyone yet. I'd taken the job as the agency's nurse, a position they'd apparently just realized they needed. I wasn't part of the field assignments or spending time with the scientists as they worked, however, so other than Rose there hadn't been a lot of opportunities for me to meet the other agents.

"Come on, you should go," said Rose, giving me a nudge. "It'll be a good way for you to meet people. Besides, we're gonna need all the help we can get against Thompson and his crew. Especially since Aloysius insisted on competing."

We both turned to look at Samberly as he jumped around next to Chief Sousa, apparently doing his own version of warmups.

"Well... I guess it could be fun..."

"Of course it'll be fun! Now go! Come on, move it!"

Rose gave me a gentle push towards the competition, then kept pushing until I'd walked all the way over there. I turned to glare at her, but she just turned away and pretended to be innocent after shoving me straight into a conversation between the two Chiefs.

"...she's ours, Sousa, get lost. She still works for me, so she's competing for me."

"Jack, I think if you ask her Peggy would rather compete with my team-"

"Too bad, because she's on my team."

Another person sidled up to me as the two continued their argument, blocking out basically everything else around them.

"They are truly ridiculous, aren't they?" I turned to find none other than Agent Peggy Carter standing there and surveying the two men.

"I've only been here a week, but based on what I've seen... yeah, I'd agree."

Peggy snorted a laugh, then turned to give me a smile. She extended her hand, and I took it.

"Peggy Carter. Nice to meet you."

"Y/N Y/L/N, likewise."

"So, you're Daniel's new medical agent, correct?"

"That's right. Rose threw me into competing in the games today, but if Samberly pulls something with those warmups, I'll have to step out and take care of it."

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