Undefeated (Jane Foster)

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Summary: Darcy and her best friend, Y/N, are taking a night to party in between all the stressors that come with grad school, and doing so by absolutely DOMINATING at Beer Pong. When Darcy needs a substitute, however, it might lead to something more than a temporary team up between Y/N and Jane Foster.

A/N: Listen, I don't know if anybody but me cares, but the rules of Pong simply do not work narratively for this fic, so for the sake of the story, there's no such thing as Redemption or Overtime.


I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, fixating on my target and blocking out the noise and chaos around me. I took another deliberate breath in, then on the exhale, I took my shot.

Splash! My ping pong ball sailed through the air and landed smack dab in the middle of my opponent's cup.

"YES!" I screamed, punching my arm in the air jumping a few times to release the energy. My voice was almost gone from screaming all night, but I absolutely didn't care.

"LET'S FUCKING GO!" yelled my partner and best friend, Darcy Lewis, in my ear. My ears had been ringing for about an hour thanks to that combined with the music and talking of the party, but I didn't care about that either.

Darcy and I were in the middle of our last semester of grad school, and in the unique, rare period of the semester where we'd just finished a bunch of exams and papers for our midterms and didn't have to start studying or worrying about our finals quite yet. We had about a week of semi-peace for the whole semester, and like the rest of our classmates, we were using it to celebrate the fact that we were still in college to the extreme.

There was a lot more stress in grad school, so we deserved to overcompensate every once in a while with our parties.

I'd come into the night proudly boasting my undefeated undergraduate and graduate record in beer pong. With Darcy as my partner, I'd extended that streak to include winning against every single team that tried to challenge me tonight.

The competition had gotten seriously heated, with people rotating through either side of the table and people regularly challenging us like they were going to be the ones to finally take us down. We'd picked up a few people to act as refs, mostly for judging elbow distance and having the final decision on specific rules, and another few people had wandered over to start acting as commentators. Despite the fierce competition, it was all in good fun. We'd been laughing and cheering right along with everyone else all night.

And now, we were about to add another pair to our list of defeats. I'd just knocked out their second to last cup, and it was Darcy's turn. If she made it–which I knew she could–it would be game over.

I watched her take a deep breath and raise her arm, lining up her shot and getting in the zone the same way I had a second ago. She drew back, but before she could release the ball, a commotion from behind us distracted her.


She started to turn, looking confused as someone in the crowd called her name, and at the same time someone grabbed her wrist. She yelped, dropping the pong ball to the floor and glaring at the brunette who'd just come running up to her in a frenzy.

"Darcy!" cried the woman. "We have to go, right now! You're never going to believe what I just found-"

"Jane, I'm in the middle of something!" she yelled back, gesturing to the table before us. I just watched on, trying to process this new complication in maintaining our pong supremacy. Slowly, the pieces from various stories Darcy had told me came together. This must be Jane Foster, the scientist Darcy had been an assistant for and the reason she'd made a 180 from polisci to astrophysics.

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