Halloween Party (Harley Keener)

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Requested on Tumblr, also written for Fictober, with prompt number 24: "Is this supposed to impress me?"

Summary: Y/N is taking her little sister trick-or-treating, and is not particularly enjoying herself. That all changes when she meets a mischievous guy dressed up as Captain America, of all things.


"I still don't get why you dressed up. You're too old for anyone to give you candy."

I glared at my little sister as she walked beside me. I'd been forced to take her and a group of her friends trick-or-treating by my parents, and I wasn't happy about that to begin with, but now it was even worse having to deal with her attitude every few steps.

"I told you," I said, resisting the urge to lift my plastic sword and smack her. "I wanted to dress up because it's fun. And I'm planning on going to a Halloween party later, as soon as I drop your whiny ass back at home."

My sister huffed at me and shot me a glare.

"I'm gonna tell mom you're swearing at me."

"And I'm going to live up to the reputation of my costume and cut your arms off."

She glared at me, but quickly ran off to catch up to her friends, who were walking a few steps ahead of us. I just shook my head and watched her go. She could be such a brat sometimes.

Halloween was one of my favorite holidays, which was another reason I was less than happy to be spending it with my little sister. Still, I'd decided to make the best of the situation and go all out on my costume, since I'd get to walk around the neighborhood all night showing it off.

I had a history of incredible Halloween costumes, and this year, I'd decided to go the superhero route. Earth had recently been introduced to a group of alien super heroes that called themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy, and as a fan of choosing powerful women to dress up as every year, how could I choose anyone but Gamora?

I came to a stop and leaned against my sword as my sister and her friends ran up to the next house. We were getting towards the end of the neighborhood, so hopefully I'd be able to drop my sister off soon and still have time to go do something fun. I didn't really want to look at my phone to check the time since I knew I'd have all kinds of notifications about the fun things my friends were doing without me, so instead, I glanced around for someone else I could ask.

I found a boy standing to my right, trailing behind another pack of excited kids heading up to the same door my sister and her friends were at. He wore a Captain America costume, and I couldn't help being impressed with the workmanship as he came to a stop a few feet away from me.

"Hey," I said, closing the distance between us as I gave him a friendly wave. "Do you happen to know what time it is? It feels like I've been walking around out here with my sister forever, and I want to get an actual time check to see how much longer I have to go."

The guy huffed a laugh, then lifted his wrist to glance at his watch.

"I know that feeling," he said. "I love my sister, but it's cold, and I'm ready to go mess with some people I know. Hopefully we'll both be free soon. It's a little after ten."

"Oh hell yes," I sighed. "We're going to two more houses, and then I'm taking them home. Thanks, Cap."

The guy snorted. "No problem, Gamora."

I grinned. I quickly glanced at my sister, but she and her group of friends were still gathering candy at the house in front of us, so I decided to keep the conversation going a little longer.

Marvel OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora