Uncovered Feelings (Jack Thompson)

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Written for Fictober 2021 on Tumblr and requested by anon!

Prompt: "Why are we whispering?"

Summary: Peggy and Daniel have been ignoring and avoiding their feelings for each other forever. Everyone in the office knows it, and all they want is for the pair to stop longing and finally get together. When Y/N finds them having a moment in the bullpen and decides to spy, however, PeggySous might not be the only couple finally having a breakthrough if Jack Thompson has anything to say about it.


I froze in the hallway just outside the SSR bullpen, trying not to make a sound. Peggy stood just ahead of me, leaning against Daniel's desk and talking to him with a radiant smile on her face. He leaned closer to her, and my heart leaped in my chest. These two had been dancing around each other for months, basically since Peggy showed up at the SSR, and now that they were alone in the bullpen it looked like they might finally be taking the move we all wanted them to.

I tucked the file I was holding under my arm, then crouched down behind the nearest filing cabinet. Not the most professional move I'd ever made by a longshot, but sometimes, one friend had no choice but to spy on their two other friends when those two other friends might finally be realizing they had feelings for each other.

I tried to breath as quietly as possible, straining my ears to hear what Peggy and Daniel were saying. I got so distracted, I almost didn't hear the footsteps approaching behind me until it was too late.



I whirled around to find a bewildered Jack Thompson staring at me curiously. I'm sure I looked absolutely crazy crouched on the ground in my work attire like I was spying in the field, but I also absolutely didn't care.

"What's going on?" asked Jack, dropping his voice despite his confusion. "Why are we whispering?"

"I'll explain everything, just get down!" I hissed, reaching up to tug on his arm. Jack quickly obliged, dropping into a crouch next to me. We were face to face behind the filing cabinet, and for just a second, it distracted me from Daniel and Peggy. I'd had a bit of a thing for the Chief since I'd started working here, and it had only gotten worse over the past few months as we worked on cases together and got to know each other better.

The pause while I stared at Jack's handsome, questioning face was just starting to creep into uncomfortably awkward when a loud laugh from Peggy shook me out of my daze. Jack tried to stand and peek over the filing cabinet, but I quickly tugged him back down.

"No! We have to stay hidden!" I said.


"Don't you see how close Peggy and Daniel are getting right now? It's been months of the two of them refusing to admit their feelings for each other while the rest of us just have to watch and suffer. This could be the moment they finally have a breakthrough!"

Jack stared at me for a second, then went to peek over the filing cabinet again, this time exercising much more caution. I watched him as he went, and after a few beats, he dropped back down with me, an excited look on his face.

"They're making eyes at each other in the middle of the bullpen," he whispered, a grin on his face. "I've never seen them like this for more than a few seconds before they got scared off."

"I know! That's why I ducked. I didn't want to be the thing that scared them off."

Jack nodded thoughtfully, then looked back at me with a grin.

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