Loveable Asshole (Jack Thompson)

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Written for Agent Carter Bingo on Tumblr! Run by @agentcarterbingo and running through the end of the year, go check it out!

Square Filled: Jack Thompson

Summary: Y/N and Jack have always had a flirty relationship, but every time Jack tries to take it further by asking Y/N on a date, she shuts it down. He usually doesn't let it bother him, but when the pair gets stuck working the night shift together, he's determined to finally understand

A/N: Shoutout to @fandomsandxfiles on Tumblr for her Agent Carter filing system headcanon, I love it and have adopted it, for this fic and in general


"Hey, Y/L/N."

I looked up to find none other than Agent Jack Thompson swaggering towards me from across the bullpen. I put my pen down and rested my chin on my hand, giving him my full attention.

"It looks like it's you and me working the night shift tonight."

I sat up a little straighter at that, my fake interest turning very real. I'd been trying to talk Dooley into letting me take a night shift for some added responsibility for a long time, but now it was apparently really happening. And with Jack Thompson, no less.

"Alright, great!" I said, giving Jack a smile before looking back to the papers I was working on. "Ugh, I'm gonna need a lot more coffee though."

"You and me both," said Jack. He walked around to my side of the desk and perched on the edge, so I turned to look at him. He gave me a charming smile. "I'll brew us a fresh post as soon as Krzeminski's gone for the night so he can't steal it all or otherwise fuck it up."

I smiled back. Since a few months ago when I'd joined the SSR, Jack and I had maintained a friendly flirty relationship. It never went further than talking, though, despite Jack asking me out a few times now. I liked him a lot of the time, but he acted like a sexist ass enough of the rest of the time that I knew a date would be a mistake.

"Having tried your version of the office coffee before, I feel like I might have to pass..."

Jack just scoffed, but he couldn't keep a slight smile off his face anyway.

"Well, it's gonna be my coffee or nothing," he said, pushing off my desk to go back to his own work. "Choice is yours, sweetheart. You've got a couple hours to think about it."

I just smiled and shook my head at him as he left. I stared after him across the office, until I noticed someone else's eyes on me. I turned to see Daniel Sousa, my good friend and desk neighbor, staring at me with a raised eyebrow. My smile immediately dropped into a glare.

"Need something, Daniel?"

He shrugged. "Nope. Except maybe an explanation for what the hell is going on with you and Thompson."

"Catch me up on you and Peggy first."

Daniel and I held each others' stares for a few beats, then Daniel held out his hand.

"Agree to both drop it?"


I shook his hand and we nodded to each other, then turned back to our own work. Tonight would be interesting, to say the least, but on the bright side, none of my lovely judgy friends would have a front row seat to Thompson and I dancing around each other this time.


"Fresh cup of coffee, hot off the pot."

I made a show of squinting suspiciously at the coffee mug as Jack walked over and set it down in front of me. The last of the day-shift agents had left about ten minutes ago, which meant Jack and I were officially on our own.

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