Surprise! (Angie Martinelli)

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Written for auroracalisto 's prompt challenge on Tumblr.

Prompt: "Boo!" "Oh wow! You uh, you totally scared me. Good one."

Summary: Angie and Y/N have been dating for a while now, although Angie still doesn't know her girlfriend works for the SSR. When Angie puts her mind to rattling her girlfriend's unshakable nerves, however, that might finally change.

A/N: I know that in the 40s, two girls in love wouldn't have been able to walk around on the streets, and most people probably wouldn't have been okay with it. However, this is fanfiction, and I want it to be a dream world and escapism in every sense of the word, so here nobody bats an eyelash and it's perfectly normal and acceptable. Also, the body of the fic doesn't actually use any pronouns for the reader, so anyone who doesn't identify as female could also read it comfortably. I just had a female reader in mind when I wrote it, and I wanted to make a note.


I sat down on my usual stool at the counter of The Automat with a heavy sigh and took a long drag of my coffee. I'd been up until a little after five in the morning working a case for the SSR, and I'd had just enough time to go home and get a few hours' sleep before reporting for work again at nine. At this point, it was a miracle I wasn't face down and passed out on the counter.

Normally, I'd be perked up and looking around for my girlfriend, Angie Martinelli. She worked here, and she was always the bright spot of my day before I went to work. Today, however, I just didn't have the energy to keep a lookout for her. I wasn't too worried, though. I knew she'd come to me.

As expected, it wasn't long before I felt a hand slam down on my shoulder and heard my girlfriend's voice shout out from beside me.


I didn't so much as blink as I turned tiredly towards her. Her face was lit up with excitement, and I could tell she was giddy about the idea of making me jump this morning. I would've acted scared if I'd known, but as it was, I was too tired and too experienced as an SSR agent to let that stuff spook me anymore.

"Oh wow! You uh, you totally scared me. Good one," I said, pulling a slight smile onto my face. Angie immediately frowned.

"Well that's a lie."

"What? No, you really scared me," I said through a yawn. Definitely not my best performance as an agent, but at this hour of the morning on such little sleep, there was nothing I could do about it.

"C'mon Y/N, we both know I know you well enough to tell even when you're lying good. That? That was just pathetic."

I sighed heavily. "Sorry Ange. I'm just so tired, I can hardly keep my eyes open right now."

"Well that's why I was trying to scare you! A little shot of adrenaline to wake you up! But no, somebody's got nerves of steel and didn't even flinch when I scared her," she said with an eyeroll. I gave her a sheepish grin.

"I appreciate the thought, for what it's worth."

"Yeah yeah. Drink your coffee and go to work."

I smiled as Angie topped off my drink, then leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled at me, and I started to finally feel relaxed when she interrupted with another scream.


I didn't move a muscle or flinch, and Angie immediately looked disappointed.

"Damn it, Y/L/N."

"Sorry babe. Better luck next time."

I gave her an apologetic smile as she walked around behind the counter to carry on with her shift, and I could literally see the gears turning in her head. I couldn't be sure what she was planning, but I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she wasn't about to give up trying to scare me, especially not now that it had become so much of a challenge.

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