M.O.D.O.K. (Tom!Peter Parker)

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Requested on Tumblr with the following prompts: "I can't get up. You're gonna have to carry me.", "What are you smiling about?", and "You're lucky you're cute."

Summary: Y/N and Peter have been friends forever, including a regular meeting to get coffee together and catch up on their lives. Y/N's started to catch more than friendly feelings for Peter, and a surprise interruption from a supervillain might be just the thing they need to change things for good.


"Excuse me? I think you're in my seat."

I turned with a smile to face Peter Parker, my best friend of many, many years.

"Nice try, Parker, but I got here first. Which means I get the nice window seat and you can stare at the trashcan all day."

Peter gave an exaggerated sigh, but he sat down across from me without further complaint. We'd had a tradition since middle school to meet at our favorite café every Wednesday after school to hang out and catch up on everything going on in each other's lives. It was harder now, since Peter was always busy with his Stark internship and I had about a million clubs and activities going on, but we still made a point of making time for each other.

Part of that was friendship, of course. Peter was my best friend in the world. But I'd be lying if I said it hadn't become a little more of a crush over the past few years.

Still, I'd known Peter forever, and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. So we just carried on like normal.

"Alright, so catch me up on the internship stuff," I said, leaning over the table as I stirred my coffee. Peter and I pretty much always got the same thing, so I'd ordered for both of us as soon as I'd arrived. "Have you met any superheroes yet besides Iron Man?"

Peter laughed, although he looked a little nervous. I narrowed my eyes at him as he answered.

"No, no superheroes yet. Maybe after I graduate I'll get to meet some of them," he said, not quite meeting my eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck when he spoke, and I'd known him long enough I could tell he was lying from a mile away.

"Okay, so that means... what? You've met at least one superhero, but it's a confidential double top secret so you can't tell me?"

Peter's eyes shot to me, his mouth open in shock. I just grinned back at him.

"C'mon Peter, don't act so surprised. I know you well enough to tell when you're lying."

He blushed crimson, then glanced around the table for anyone close to us before leaning towards me.

"Listen, I can't tell you everything, but... I might have met a hero or two..."

"Wait, seriously? Peter, I'm your best friend, you gotta tell me-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I heard a commotion coming from outside. I turned to look out the window, but before I could really register what I was seeing, a blast sent me flying backwards. One second, I was flying backwards toward the opposite wall of the café fast enough to kill me. The next, someone wrapped themselves around me, and when we hit the wall I didn't get so much as a bruise on me.

I looked up and tried to untangle myself from the person wrapped around me. The ceiling of the café was caving in, and I could see a small fire starting in the midst of the debris. I turned to see who'd cushioned my fall, then had a complete heart attack when I saw Peter.

"Peter! Oh my God, please, please tell me you're okay!" I cried, immediately dropping to kneel by his side. He groaned, but he was still breathing and conscious as he turned to look at me, which was a good sign.

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