Baker's 200 pt. 2 (PeggySous)

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Requested by LeopardLight27264 FanficManiac01 and Mehblahblahmah

Request: Somebody write this. I wanna see Peggy and Sousa yelling at the top of their lungs at the baking ingredients trying to figure out what to do

Summary: After Jack and Y/N baked 200 cupcakes for Daniel and Peggy's engagement party, Jack managed to use it to guilt-trip the newly-married couple into making 100 cupcakes for Jack's one-year wedding anniversary with Y/N. The only problem is, Daniel and Peggy have no idea what they're doing.


"I can't believe we seriously agreed to do this," said Sousa, staring blankly at the counter full of baking ingredients in front of him and his new wife, Peggy Carter.

"Well, Y/N did say we didn't have to do it if we didn't want to..."

"Yeah, and then as soon as she was gone Thompson made it clear he'd never let it go if he and Y/N managed to make two hundred cupcakes and we couldn't even manage half of that."

The couple sighed in unison, then turned to look at each other. They hadn't been married very long, but they'd been friends for a while before things turned into a romance, and they knew each other well enough to communicate without needing words. After a few minutes, the look in Daniel's eyes steeled, and Peggy gave him a determined nod.

"Jack Thompson is not going to have anything on us," she said, turning back to the ingredients on the counter. "We have all day to do this. It can't be that hard, can it?"

"Sure, let's go with that," said Daniel. Before he could change his mind, he reached out and started reading through the recipe.

A few months ago, after Daniel and Peggy's engagement, Y/N had volunteered to make 200 cupcakes for their engagement party. Jack had helped her, and all the cupcakes had turned out absolutely amazing. Daniel and Peggy had mixed feelings about it, since they wanted good food at their engagement party, but it was pretty painful to admit that Thompson was a master baker.

A little while later, about a week before Jack and Y/N's anniversary, Jack had mentioned how nice it would be if Peggy and Daniel could make 100 cupcakes for their anniversary, since he'd made 200 for their engagement and it would just be one less thing for Y/N to worry about. Y/N had come over as soon as she found out to tell them they didn't have to do it, that there was no pressure, and they should ignore Jack, but Jack just smirked at them, the challenge in his eyes obvious without him having to say it. Peggy and Daniel couldn't back down from that challenge, and Jack knew it.

So now, the new couple was trying to figure out how to bake 100 cupcakes when combined they'd never made half that in their entire lives.

Thankfully, Angie had lent Peggy a fairly easy recipe that the Automat used. With a little careful reading and some clumsy mixing, Peggy and Daniel had officially made their first batch of cupcake batter.

"Alright, how long does it say to bake it for?" asked Peggy, pouring the batter into the cupcake pan while Daniel read the recipe.

"Uh... fifteen to twenty minutes, apparently," he replied.

"Well how do we know which one it is?" asked Peggy, sticking the cupcakes in the oven and standing back up with her hands on her hips. "Fifteen or twenty?"

Daniel just shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe we just set it for seventeen? Split the difference?"

"I suppose that's as good as anything," Peggy agreed. She picked up the kitchen timer and set it, then turned back to her husband. "So what now? We just wait until these are done?"

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