Road Trip (Jack Thompson)

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Written for Agent Carter Bingo on Tumblr! Run by @agentcarterbingo and running through the end of the year, go check it out!

Square Filled: Road Trip

Summary: Y/N followed Daniel to LA when he left, thinking it would be an escape from all the headaches in New York. Then, the headache followed her to LA. And got himself shot. Now, he needs to go back to New York, but since he's still recovering from a few bullets to the chest, he's not cleared to fly. It's also not the safest thing for him to drive across the country by himself, so he'll need somebody to go with him. And Y/N is about to get roped into doing it.


"-and you should move some of these desks so it's easier for agents to move around from one place to another. I'm bumping into desks left and right here."

"Maybe you're just uncoordinated, Jack."

"And another thing-"

I smiled to myself as I made a fresh pot of coffee, eavesdropping on the two SSR chiefs behind me. A few weeks ago, Jack had been shot in his hotel room. He'd been bleeding out on the carpet when I'd arrived to give him some files Daniel had forgotten about, completely unconscious and on death's doorstep. Thankfully, I had enough medical training that I'd been able to keep him somewhat stable after calling 911, and we'd gotten him to the hospital. After hours in surgery and a few days in a coma, he'd finally managed to pull through. He spent a couple weeks recovering in the hospital, and a few days ago, they'd officially released him.

He'd been hanging around here ever since, driving Daniel and Peggy absolutely crazy.

"Hello, Y/N," said Peggy, sidling up next to me as the coffee brewed.

"Hey Peg. You getting a little escape from Jack?" I asked, nudging her shoulder teasingly. The boys had wandered off to another part of the office, giving us a slight break from their bickering.

"Yes, actually. And speaking of that, Daniel and I had a little proposition for you."

I turned to Peggy and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes. You remember how you've been wanting to work the Underwood case, but haven't been able to since she hasn't come to the West coast?"


"Well, Daniel and I found a way for you to work the case. Even lead it, from the SSR LA division and angle."

"...And what's the catch?"

Peggy tried for a smile, but it looked more like a grimace to me. I tried to brace myself for whatever she was about to say next.

"Well, since you need to be in New York to work the case... Daniel and I thought you could drive Jack back with you, since you have medical training and he can't fly for another few weeks at least."

I couldn't stop myself from laughing as I shook my head.

"No way Peggy, not a chance," I said after a few deep breaths. "Two weeks stuck in a car with only a cranky, injured Jack Thompson for company? You couldn't pay me enough."

"Come on, Y/N! Please! This works well for all of us! Jack gets back to New York so he can run the agency, Daniel and I get him out of our hair, and you get to take over your dream investigation!"

"No. Way."

"Come on, Y/N, we really need your help."

"Peggy Carter. There is absolutely nothing you can do to convince me to get in a car and drive across the country with Jack."

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