Three Misfits pt. 2 (Loki)

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Summary: Bucky, Loki, and Anne-Maire go for some lunch while the Avengers work things out in the Tower. Just a reminder, from the first part, only Anne-Marie can see Loki and Bucky as they actually look, thanks to a disguise from Loki to allow them to go out in public without causing a scene.


Bucky led the way to a small, hole-in-the-wall pizzaria that boasted having been open since 1934. It was the kind of place you'd walk right past if you hadn't been trained to notice every little thing for your own survival.

Or, if you hadn't been there when it opened.

"Me and Steve came here when they cut the ribbon on the place," said Bucky, a small smile spreading across his face.

"Damn, you are old," I joked as we headed for the door. Loki just scoffed.

"Old? That's not old. This entire country as you know it isn't even half my age," he said.

"Asgardians," I mumbled, shaking my head.

We walked through the door of the pizza place, Loki making sure to stand close to me as Bucky went up to request a table.

"So, you're a Stark?" he asked, putting one hand against the wall and using it as an excuse to lean into my space.

"That's what they tell me."

"And where were you for the Battle of New York? Surely I would have remembered seeing your face."

"I was on the run from Hydra after they used me and brainwashed me for almost a decade to be a human weapon."

To Loki's credit, he didn't freak out or back up like I was expecting. He just raised an eyebrow and leaned a little closer, looking interested.

"And are you still brainwashed to be a human weapon? Because I've been friends with Bucky for some time now, and that can be quite fun."

Obviously not the reaction I was expecting, but I gave him a little smirk before following Bucky into the restaurant. Our table was ready, and I wasn't about to give in to a flirty Asgardian that easily.

Our server led us to a booth at the back of the restaurant, clearly chosen by Bucky for the fact that we could see everything going on in the room from our seats. No one would be able to sneak up on us, which was a big relief, even with Bucky and Loki being in disguise.

Even though I got to the table first, I made Loki sit against the wall. I didn't do well with being trapped in anywhere, even if it was just by someone sitting between me and an exit, and I knew Bucky didn't like it either.

I did a quick sweep of the room to make sure nothing was obviously wrong, then turned back to my companions for lunch. When I did, I noticed Loki rolling his eyes.

"You're both ridiculous," he said, turning to pick up a menu. "Looking around the entire room and planning how best to kill the waitstaff before being able to focus on ordering food."

Bucky and i just looked at each other and shrugged before picking up our own menus. Old habits die hard, especially when those habits kept you from dying hard for more than a decade.

"So, Anne-Marie, I never really got the chance to say thank you back there," said Bucky once we'd ordered. "Thank you for risking Hydra for me."

"It's the least I could do for you after you risked so much more for me. I wouldn't be sitting here now if it weren't for you."

Bucky smiled a little, and I reached out and squeezed his hand. Ever since Hydra had taken me, he was the only family I knew. It was nice to be with him again, especially now that we were both away from Hydra.

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