Peggy, Jack, and Dooley tell Daniel to Relax (Peggysous)

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Written for Peggysous Week 2022 on Tumblr! Run by @peggysousweek - go check it out!

Prompts: "You're so in love with her.", Chief Dooley, "I think you have the wrong number."

Summary: After some unusually sage and serious words from Thompson, Daniel decides it's finally time for him to take the leap and tell Peggy how he feels. Things don't quite go according to plan.


"Sousa. Sousa. Hey, Sousa. Daniel Sousa."

Daniel's head snapped up from where he'd been staring holes into his desk to see his fellow agent, Jack Thompson, looking decidedly pissed.

"Finally. I've been trying to get your attention forever."

"What do you want, Jack?" sighed Daniel.

"I want to know why you're wasting everyone's time sitting here, staring off into space and daydreaming about Carter instead of asking her on a damned date!"

Daniel's mouth dropped open in shock. He spluttered, trying to find a good comeback to shut Jack down, but for once he was too slow; Thompson was already speaking again.

"Come on, Sousa, you're so in love with her. Look, I know I've given you a lot of shit since we started working together, but this time I mean it. Everybody who's not blind or an idiot can see how you feel about her, and as the best detective of a highly prestigious US agency, I can pretty confidently say that she's just as moon-eyed over you as you are over her."

"Jack-" huffed Daniel, trying to decide what part of Jack's statement to comment on first.

"I'm not here to get into it with you," said Jack, holding up his hands in surrender and taking a few steps back from the desk. "Just think about it."

He turned, leaving Daniel absolutely stunned at his desk as he walked a few steps away. Then Jack paused and turned back.

"Oh, and those police reports are important for our newest case. Get 'em filed by the end of the day."

Daniel scowled, but Thompson was already gone by the time Daniel managed to think of a quick retort.

Daniel frowned down at the papers on his desk. He'd never been that slow on the draw with a comeback for Thompson or any other jackass (pun intended) in this office. He'd dealt with more than a few of the agents teasing him about Peggy, but he hadn't expected Thompson to actually call him out in more than a passing remark. And for Thompson to suggest that Peggy might actually feel the same way...

Daniel cleared his throat, lifting his head from where he'd been staring off into space again to scan the office. No one else was around. It was a holiday, and the chief had decided that the risks were low enough that they could staff the weekend like a night shift, so he and Thompson were the only ones in the office. And Thompson had just left to get lunch.

Daniel's gaze finally landed on the phone on his desk. Was Jack right? Could he really just call Peggy and tell her how he felt? Should he?

Daniel shook his head and turned to the stack of papers Thompson had dumped on his desk. Thompson was a nightmare. He was the absolute last person Daniel should be taking advice from.

Daniel sighed, ignoring Thompson's stack of filing and going back to his actual work. After a few minutes of accomplishing almost nothing, however, he sighed and pushed it away from him again.

He couldn't stop thinking about Peggy. Thompson's words stuck in his head, despite his best effort to ignore them. With everyone else out of the office, Daniel had started to feel just brave enough to consider making the call.

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