A Whole New World (Steve Rogers)

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Summary: Y/N is a SHIELD agent, recently assigned to help none other than Captain America adjust to the 21st century. When SHIELD's idea of learning about the future involves sitting in a conference room and going through papers, however, Y/N decides to take matters into their own hands and give Steve a *real* 21st century education.


"Alright, here's all the paperwork, information, and background you need for your next assignment," said my SHIELD superior as she handed me an absolutely massive stack of files and paperwork. "Glance through and it and pick up what you can, I'll be back in five to take you to where you'll be starting."

I just stared after her as she turned on her heel and marched down the hall, leaving me standing awkwardly with the paperwork. I was supposed to get through this in five minutes?

I huffed, then leaned against the nearest wall and tried to flip through the top pages of the first file. I only skimmed them, but it just had a bunch of information about recent history. Not even a hint of the classified information I was used to seeing at SHIELD.

I frowned, then fully squatted on the ground to lay the files out around me. I flipped through the next few, but it was just more of the same. Historical events, technological developments, and even some entertainment news. All of it written in the driest, most boring way ever, and absolutely none of it that couldn't be found with a simple Google search.

At the sound of my boss' heels clicking down the polished floors, I flipped the files closed, gathered them up, and stood. She rounded the corner just as I finished, and I didn't even try to hide the confusion on my face.

"Alright, let's go," she said. I walked towards her, and before I'd even gotten all the way to her she turned on her heel and started heading back down the hallway she'd come from.

"Ma'am, is there any other information you can give me about this assignment?" I asked. "I don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing with all this information. None of it is secret, so-"

"Of course it's not secret. It's common knowledge. Which is why, especially as one of our younger agents, it's going to be your job to catch Captain Rogers up on the past few decades."

I stuttered at step, but managed not to stop completely in the hallway.

"Excuse me?"

"You do remember that we recently recovered Captain Rogers, also known as Captain America, from the ice a few weeks ago, right?"

"Yes," I huffed, trying to keep the majority of the temper out of my tone. I failed, but at least I'd tried.

"Well, he was in a coma in the ice for seventy-plus years. Someone needs to catch him up, and now that we've gotten to the modern era, that someone is going to be you."

Any retort died on my tongue as the reality of her words sank in.

"Are you seriously telling me that I'm about to be working with Captain America?"

"Yes. Is that going to be a problem?"

I shook my head slowly, trying to keep from looking like a complete idiot as she stopped in front of the door to one of SHIELD's many, many conference rooms. She looked at me critically, and I stared right back. I'd been a specialist at SHIELD long enough to know how to hold it together, no matter the situation.

Apparently, my boss agreed with me, because she opened the door and led me inside.

"Captain Rogers," she said, stopping just by the door. I stopped next to her, keeping my face a mask of calm even as my heart raced in my chest. Captain America sat about halfway down the table, giving us his attention. "This is Agent Y/N Y/L/N. Agent Y/L/N will be handling everything to do with recent history, to finish catching you up on everything you missed."

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