One Normal Night (Grant Ward)

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Summary: Y/N and Grant are in their first year at SHIELD's Operations Academy, and they've already become the agency's power couple. They have a long road ahead of them, both in their careers and their relationship, but they're not about to let anything stand in their way.

Prompts: "If we get caught I'm gonna blame it all on you" and "You lost at Mario Kart, so really this is your own fault"


"This is a terrible idea," hissed my boyfriend, Grant Ward, from behind me. We were currently crouched behind the Ops Academy's medical building, only a short sprint from the massive fence designed to keep threats out and agents in training in.

"It is not," I hissed back, barely taking half a second to look over my shoulder at him. The lights sweeping the surveillance perimeter would be past our hiding spot any second, and we'd need to move fast if we didn't want to get caught. "Besides, you lost at Mario Kart, so really this is your own fault."

Grant groaned, and I couldn't help a maniacal grin spreading across my face, although Grant didn't see it. Before he could argue with me any further, the light swept over us and onto the rest of the campus, and I took off running.

I didn't need to look over my shoulder to know that Grant was right behind me. Despite his reluctance at following my plan, we made a fantastic team. We moved like we'd been working together for decades, in perfect sync, and we'd barely even known each other a year.

We'd met thanks to being in the same class at SHIELD's Ops Academy. A class of one hundred new recruits, and our teachers made sure to tell us at least half would wash out. I made it my mission to make friends with as many of my peers as possible despite their warnings, and when assigned seating stuck me next to Grant in a class, I couldn't help pushing at the barriers of the only person who seemed dead-set against being my friend.

In any other situation, I think he would've succeeded at it. But despite the fact that Ops agents usually worked alone, our academy training threw us together in countless trust exercises and missions where we had to rely completely on each other. Grant and I got paired together a few times, and worked so well as a team that we kept getting paired together after that. Slowly, we'd built a friendship, and not long after it turned into a romantic relationship. We'd been inseparable ever since, with the rest of our class equally happy for us and annoyed by our antics.

Last night, Grant and I had a relaxed date night in my dorm, cooking together, drinking wine, and playing Mario Kart. We'd gotten a little competitive and turned the game into a competition where the winner would decide the activity for our bigger date night, happening tonight. I'd won after knocking him off the edge of Rainbow Road, and I'd chosen a night on the beach, outside of the academy, looking at the stars and listening to the waves like normal college students for once in our life.

Unfortunately, the first part of making that happen included sneaking off the Academy's campus, which would require a lot of work and skills that were definitely not part of being normal college students.

"Okay, let's do this," I said, pausing as I got to the fence. Grant made a stirrup with his hands, boosting me part of the way up, and when I got to the top I used my jacket to cover over the barbed wire before holding out a hand for Grant. Together, we made it to the top of the fence in seconds, and then I jumped down to the other side. Grant pulled up my jacket and moved to follow me, but instead of landing gracefully like we'd planned, he came part of the way down and then stopped abruptly.

We stared at each other for a second, equally confused looks on our faces, and then at the same time we realized what happened.

"I'm stuck," growled Grant like he was mad at the fence. He turned around to look at where his belt had gotten hooked on part of the fence after he'd picked up my jacket.

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