Tranquilizer (Grant Ward)

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Prompt: "That never stopped you before."

Summary: Y/N and Grant Ward were in love before he turned traitor and joined Hydra. Now, more than a year later, they've stopped dating but their romantic relationship is still going strong. Can it still survive after Grant kills Rosalind, and tries to kill Coulson?

A/N: I seriously love Grant Ward and I'm still mad he never got a redemption arc.

Day four of Fictober on Tumblr.


"Stop right there."

I felt the cool metal of a gun barrel press into my back, making me stop in my tracks. I sighed dramatically and rolled my eyes in the dark alley, even though I knew the person behind me couldn't see it.

"Seriously? You're gonna be this dramatic, with the gun and everything?"

"I have to keep up my tough image somehow." The gun fell away and I turned to face Grant Ward, Head of Hydra and master of shit-eating grins like the one on his face right now.

"Mmm. Well, keep it up another way. Your dangerous stranger in a dark alley with a gun bit is getting old."

"I'll make a note of that." He took a few steps closer to me after reholstering his gun, and I smiled.

"Why do I get the feeling you're not actually going to make a note?"

"Because you know me so well." With that, Grant snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me close, so we were basically nose to nose. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I ran my fingers through his hair, and Grant pulled me into a kiss without another moment of hesitation.

"We really gotta find a way to do this more often," he muttered as we broke apart. There was less than an inch of space between our lips, and all I wanted to do was keep kissing him.

"Yeah, if only I weren't so busy with my job," I said instead, breathing the words and meeting Grant's eyes. "Problem is, this Hydra guy keeps causing problems that are my job to solve."

Grant rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. There's this SHIELD agent that keeps popping up to make my days harder, too."

I couldn't help laughing a little.

"I really am an idiot for continuing to meet you like this, Grant Ward. I should be trying to kill you right now, or at least working to stick a tranquilizer in your neck."

Grant just smiled that roguish smile that I loved so well and backed me against the nearest wall.

"Nice try, Y/N. But if you'd wanted to knock me out and drag me back to SHIELD, you would've done it already. Besides, what could you possibly tell Coulson?"

He had a point there. Grant and I had been dating when he betrayed SHIELD, and even though we weren't exactly dating anymore, we'd kept up our romantic relationship. None of my team knew about it, and I definitely wanted to keep it that way.

"Alright, I'm tired of talking about work," I decided, meeting Grant's eyes and trying to forget everything else in the world. "I didn't come here to argue about that shit. I came here to spend time with you, and that's what I'm going to do."

"No argument here." Grant closed what little distance was left between us, sweeping me into a deep, passionate kiss. All of my lingering worries about SHIELD and Hydra melted away, and I lost myself in kissing Grant Ward.


I got back to SHIELD the next morning expecting Daisy to raise her eyebrows and tease me about the mystery man I was seeing. Fitz would be uncomfortable with the question, and Simmons would tell Daisy to leave me alone but would just pry more subtly than her. Then May and Coulson would come in, and we'd all snap to attention, because no one wanted to have that conversation in front of mom and dad. That's the way it had gone every day for the past few months. It was part of my morning routine.

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