AP Test Season (Platonic!Shuri)

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Written for Fictober 2023 Day 24 on Tumblr!

Summary: Shuri's in Santa Monica to help her best friend through quite an ordeal.

Prompt: "Is it over? Is it really over?"


I staggered out of the building, head throbbing, sunlight burning my eyes. I almost tripped on the first of the stairs and did a header down the whole set, but thankfully, someone else reached out to steady me before I could.

"Y/N! Are you alright?"

I turned, blinking blearily at Princess Shuri, one of my best friends in the whole world. She stared at me, concern written across her face as I took a deep breath in and out.

"Is it over? Is it really over?" I asked, my voice croaky from lack of use. Shuri nodded.

"Yes. It is really, truly, completely over."

"Oh thank God," I sighed, flopping back dramatically. Shuri laughed, guiding me over to a retaining wall outside the school where we could sit together shoulder to shoulder while I recovered.

I'd just finished my last AP test of my last year of high school, after a grueling two weeks filled with four-hour tests. It had been literal hell, and had almost killed me, hence the current brain fog. But I'd made it. And now, I never had to take another one of those stupid things as long as I lived.

"Come on," Shuri said, standing and holding out a hand to me after giving me a few minutes to recover. "You cannot sit on this wall in a stupor all day."

I scoffed. "Watch me."

"No! We have fun things to do! You survived your last round of testing, we should be celebrating!"

That peaked my interest enough to get me to sit up straighter. Shuri grinned, and I sighed, giving all the way in with an eye roll. I slid off the retaining wall, landing on the sidewalk next to Shuri and trying to muster as much energy as I could.

"Alright, Your Highness, you're in charge, because I don't have the brainpower left to contribute. Where to first?"

"Just follow me!"

Shuri took off down the sidewalk, smiling and laughing under the sunny Southern California sun, and her energy was infectious. A smile spread across my own face as I followed her, and with every step in the opposite direction of my school, I felt my strength returning.

Shuri led me to the Santa Monica pier, site of a scene from one of our favorite movies, Hannah Montana: The Movie. We wandered up and down the pier, grabbing snacks and taking ridiculous pictures together, then made our way into Pacific Park. We rode the rollercoaster, the Ferris wheel, and did every single other thing that looked remotely interesting until the sun started to set.

"Shuri, you are a literal lifesaver," I said as we strolled towards the end of the pier together. "Seriously, I think I would've just been catatonic for the rest of the day if you hadn't been here to pull me out of my funk."

She laughed. "I am glad I could help! It's been fun to be in California with you."

"Agreed. Couldn't imagine a better start to the summer."

We shared a smile, clinking our bubble teas together as we turned to watch the sun sink slowly into the ocean. Finally, once it got dark to the point that the lights of Pacific Park glowed as bright as the stars behind us, we turned and headed for home.

Shuri was staying with me and my family while she was in town, and as soon as we walked through the door, I felt a wave of exhaustion crash over me. My shoulders slumped, and I let Shuri take the lead as we wandered through the kitchen.

"Okay! So I thought we could make some popcorn and have a movie marathon to finish the night-"

She stopped mid-sentence as she turned around to smile at me and found a zombie smiling back. She huffed a laugh, a small smile coming to her face.

"...Or maybe we could do facemasks and watch something shorter, then go to bed."

"The second one," I said, nodding. "But let's keep the snacks part."


Shuri and I loaded up on all our favorite foods, then headed upstairs. Thankfully, it was a Friday, so we could stay up late without me having to worry about going to school tomorrow.

We picked out facemasks, then decided on watching Wizards of Waverly Place from my queen sized bed with her laptop. The Wakandan tech got a higher quality image than even our TV downstairs, and we never had to wait for it to buffer.

My phone timer went off a little ways into the episode, telling us it was time to take off the facemasks. We took even more dumb pictures together of our faces in the mask before removing them, rubbing in the remaining serum as we flopped back into bed. We snacked for the rest of the episode, and I made it through without falling asleep. Once it ended, Shuri closed her laptop and shut off the lights as I sank down underneath the covers.

"Goodnight, Y/N!" she said as she climbed in on her side. I sighed and muttered a goodnight back. Then, even though I was quickly losing the battle to stay awake a second longer, I spoke up again, holding true to the sleepover tradition of continuing to talk after saying goodnight and shutting off the lights.



"Thank you for today," I said. "Seriously, AP test season sucks, and knowing we'd get to celebrate and have fun on the other side of it is the only reason I didn't just draw a cat on the DBQ page of my AP History test and call it a day."

Shuri laughed. "I won't lie, I would have liked to see your cat drawing. But I'm glad I could help you get through this. I had a lot of fun, too."

"Wakanda's next, alright?" I said. "Now that I'm done with classes, there's nothing stopping me from coming for a visit this summer."

"Deal! There are so many things I want to show you in person. T'Challa will not know peace as long as we're in the palace together."

I laughed, opening my eyes enough to share a smile with my best friend. We did our handshake, and then I rolled over and closed my eyes again, ready to go to sleep for real.

"I'll see you in the morning, Shuri," I sighed. She huffed a laugh.

"I don't expect to see you before one in the afternoon. But I will see you tomorrow."

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