Partner in Crime (Jack Thompson)

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Summary: Reader's a SHIELD agent, recently returned from a long deep-cover mission. She's hoping to get some much needed rest when a call from Coulson shatters those hopes. What starts as a frustrating experience with a seriously out of touch time-traveler might turn out to be exactly what she's been hoping for.


"Y/N! Phone!"

I groaned and rolled over in bed at the deafening sound of my roommate's voice. She marched into my room a second later, my cell in her hands and a scowl on her face.

"You really did pick the most obnoxious ringtone possible, didn't you?" she asked. I just glared back, so she sighed. "No surprise, it's for you. Says he's your boss."

I closed my eyes and debated quickly faking sick, but after a second, I held my hand out for the phone. My roommate quickly handed it over and started heading out of my room, but she paused at the doorway to give me a curious look.

"Why was your phone in the living room anyway?" she asked.

So I couldn't hear the phone ringing and therefore wouldn't have to pick up when Coulson called me to come into work, I wanted to say. But of course, Coulson would've heard that, so I didn't say it.

"I don't know, I guess I just forgot it," I said instead. My roommate didn't look like she really believed that answer, but I was already lifting the phone to my ear and turning my attention away from her, so she had to drop it. "Hello?"

"Agent Y/L/N," Coulson's calm, collected voice came over the phone. I couldn't help grimacing at how much more awake he sounded than me. "Glad you're awake."

"Yes sir," I sighed. "What do you need me to do?"

"...You don't have to sound so disappointed about it."

I couldn't help laughing, even though I was completely exhausted. I'd just gotten back from a high-stakes undercover mission in Russia where I'd almost died at least seven times, and still somehow Coulson was putting a smile on my face as he was telling me I'd have to go back out in the field.

"Alright, let me try again." I cleared my throat. "What's up AC? What's on the schedule for the wonderful, fantastic agents of SHIELD today?"

Silence for a few beats, and then Coulson spoke.

"Could you find somewhere in the middle of those two options?"


"Alright, alright! We've got a field mission for you, Daisy, and two other agents we picked up while you were gone. It's of the highest priority, so I'm going to give you a meeting point instead of having you drive all the way to base."

"Sounds good," I said with a sigh as I finally rolled out of bed. I moved towards my closet as I spoke again. "Any details you want to give me, besides the location of the meeting point?"

There was a long pause on the other end of the phone while Coulson hesitated, and it was enough to make me seriously nervous for whatever was coming next. Finally though, he spoke.

"No, nothing to catch you up on over the phone. We'll talk and get a few things straightened out when I see you in an hour."

Before I could so much as ask for a little reassurance, the phone clicked as he hung up. A text came in a few seconds later with the location of our meeting, and I'd barely be able to make it there on time.

I guess I'd just have to hope for the best with whatever Coulson wasn't telling me.


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