Baker's 200 (Jack Thompson)

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Summary: Peggy and Sousa are finally getting married, and Y/N volunteered to make all the cupcakes and cookies for their engagement party. It's a big order though, so she's gonna need a little help. Fortunately, her husband Jack Thompson is around to help get the job done.


"Peggy, it's not problem. I'd honestly be happy to make everything. I love baking, and I'm so excited that you and Daniel are finally at this step!"

"Well, if you're sure..."

"I'm sure." Peggy and her long-time boyfriend, Daniel Sousa, has finally gotten engaged. I, of course, immediately volunteered to help out any way I could, and right now that meant baking about 200 cupcakes for their engagement party tomorrow. "I love baking, and I'm good at it. I'll have this done in no time."

"Alright. Then thank you, Y/N, for all your help."

"Like I said, I'm happy to do it. And even happier that you two are finally engaged!"

Peggy laughed on the other end, and I could hear the smile in her voice when she spoke. "I'm happy too. Speaking of the men in our lives, I think I just saw your husband leave the office. Maybe he can help you get some of the baking done when he gets home."

We both paused for a minute, then burst out laughing.

"I love Jack, and I'm definitely going to make him try to help, but I foresee some baking disasters in our future when he gets home."

"Well I'd better not keep you any longer then. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow Peg! Me, Jack, and two hundred cupcakes'll be there early to help set up."

"Y/N, you're an angel."

"I know," I said with a grin. Peggy chuckled.

I hung up, then turned to the kitchen. I got home from work early today, and I'd used the extra time to get a head start on the cupcakes even before Peggy had called. Two batches were already out of the oven, and another was ready to go in.

24 down, 176 to go. This would be fine.

I started working on the mix for the next round of cupcakes, since I didn't have bowls big enough to make batter for 100 chocolate cupcakes and 100 vanilla cupcakes all at once. As I worked, my eyes kept darting to the cupcakes that were already out of the oven. I had to find time to decorate those, too, after they had time to cool. Not to mention staying on top of the ones that were already in the oven.

I almost managed to make the next batch of batter before the oven timer went off, but not quite. I pulled out the baking tin and stuck a toothpick in one in the middle, but it didn't come out clean, so I threw them back in and set the timer for a few more minutes. I went back to mixing batter, the first batch of baked cupcakes sitting on the counter and taunting me as they remained undecorated. I hadn't even made icing yet.

Making 200 cupcakes in one night suddenly seemed like it was going to be a lot harder.

I worked as quickly as possible, but between making batter and making icing it was hard to find time to decorate anything. With 24 cupcakes baked, 36 cooled and ready to decorate, and only 24 actually finished, I'd never been happier to have Jack arrive home.

"Y/N? Where are you? Carter told me you were making cupcakes—" Jack stopped in his tracks when he cleared the door to the kitchen and saw the chaotic operation in front of him. His mouth was hanging open, and I could tell he was having a hard time believing what he was seeing.

"Jack, thank God. I need help if I'm ever going to get all this done."

"Wow. Y/N, this is insane."

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