Girls' Night (Platonic!Peggy Carter)

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Written for Fictober 2023 Day 6 on Tumblr!

Summary: Peggy and her bestie are having a much-needed night out on the town.

Prompt: "I can't wait for you."


"Peggy, come on!" I shouted, hammering on the door of her apartment at the Griffith. "I can't wait for you, let's go!"

"Don't you have to wait for me?" I heard her voice call from inside. A second later, the door opened, Peggy grinning at me with her hair, makeup, and outfit done to perfection. "Unless you intend to go dancing and drinking alone."

I crossed my arms and huffed. "I'll go get Angie. She'd be willing to come. And I get the feeling she wouldn't be intentionally slow in getting ready to avoid going out on the town."

Peggy sighed, stepping back from the door long enough to grab her purse before finally joining me completely in the hallway.

"We both know Angie's busy, otherwise she'd be coming with us right now."

"I probably could've gone to the Automat, gotten her out of her shift, and gotten to the club in the time it took you to get ready."

Peggy just shook her head with a small smile as she locked her door and the two of us finally headed out. After months of stress and work at the SSR, especially as the only two female agents, I'd decided Peggy and I needed a night out. Little miss workaholic hadn't been particularly on board, and she'd been dragging her feet the whole time, but I wasn't about to let that stop me. Now, finally, I'd officially managed to get her out of the house.

"So, where to?" asked Peggy, tightening her coat a little as we stepped into the cool night air.

"Sousa told me about a place he likes last week," I said. "We're going to go see whether or not he's got good taste."

Peggy gave a noncommittal grunt as I stepped out into the street and hailed a taxi. We climbed in and I gave our driver the address, then settled into the back seat with Peggy.

A few minutes into the ride, I caught her eyes scanning our surroundings as we drove. I sighed loudly and rolled my eyes before fixing Peggy with a look.

"What?" she demanded.

"Seriously? You're canvassing and scanning for threats. You need to cut that out right now. We're supposed to be having a fun, relaxing night on the town, we can't do that if you're constantly looking for threats to take down and improvised weapons to take them down with."

She huffed a sigh, breaking her vigilant scan to meet my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I know. It's just... we've been on red alert for months. It's a little hard to turn it off, isn't it?"

"I know what you mean. But you've got to try, Peggy. We're both going to go completely crazy if we don't take a little break now and then."

She hummed her agreement as she turned back to looking out the window, this time with less of an agent's edge. I smiled to myself. At least it was progress.

A few minutes later, the cab pulled up outside of a swanky-looking club, people smiling and chatting in incredible outfits outside. Peggy and I stepped out, and I was happy to say, we fit right in.

We got a few appreciative looks as we headed into the club shoulder to shoulder, to find the place absolutely swinging. People swirled around the dancefloor, the music boomed from the live band across the room, and people were laughing and chatting at tables all across the bar. I smiled.

"Well, what should we do first?" I asked, leaning in towards Peggy and raising my voice a little to be heard over the noise. "Drinks, dancing, or finding a place to sit?"

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