Kitty Captain (Jack Thompson)

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Summary: Y/N adopted a new cat from her niece, and tonight's the night her boyfriend Jack meets the cat. Unfortunately for Jack, the cat doesn't take well to someone distracting Y/N and taking attention away from giving pets and food. Jack's going to have to make amends unless he wants the new cat making his life hell.

Prompt: "I think your cat is trying to kill me."


SSR New York Office

"Carter! Get in here!" Jack hollered, not bothering to stand from his desk. Peggy sighed, rolling her eyes as she crossed the bullpen to Jack's office.

"What?" she demanded.

"I need a favor."

Peggy's eyebrows shot up, but she didn't say anything. She just waited for Jack to continue.

"Y/N and I are making dinner tonight," he said with a sigh. "We've been planning a relaxed night in for a few weeks, but I forgot I'm supposed to be working the late shift tonight. So I was hoping you'd be willing to take my shift."

Peggy crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe.

"You forgot? You're the Chief! You're the one making the schedules in the first place!"

"Hey. It's been a long month," said Jack, leveling a point at Peggy. "So what, you gonna take my shift or not? And before you answer, you might be interested to know Sousa's the other agent on duty."

A slight blush rose on Peggy's cheeks, but otherwise she did a good job of hiding her reaction.

"That has no bearing at all on my decision," she said. Thompson just raised an eyebrow, which Peggy ignored. "However, since you did manage to ask nicely, and I quite like Y/N... I'll take your shift tonight."

"Great," said Jack, letting out a big sigh of relief. "Carter, you're a life saver."

Peggy just waved him off as she turned to go back to her desk.

"Just tell Y/N hi!"



"Alright Cap, let's get this dinner started," I said, patting my cat on the head as I stood and headed for the kitchen. My boyfriend, Jack Thompson, was coming over tonight, but I decided to start dinner before he arrived so we wouldn't have to wait forever to eat. I got the impression Captain America agreed as he followed me to the kitchen.

My cat, Captain America, had only been my cat for about a week. My sister's family had him first, but they were moving to an apartment building that didn't allow cats, so he needed a new home—preferably one where my seven-year-old niece could visit him. Of course I'd accepted the offer, and now Cap was my buddy. Jack had tried to get me to change his name when I told him, but I knew my niece would throw a fit if I did that.

This dinner would be the first time Jack got to meet my new cat, and I absolutely couldn't wait. Cap was the sweetest cat I'd ever met, and he mostly just followed me around the house all day. He rubbed up against my leg as I started a pot of water boiling on the stove, and I smiled to myself. It was nice to have a full-time companion in the house.

As soon as the water started boiling, I dropped in some spaghetti to get the noodles cooking. Cap bumped against my legs a few times, and I chuckled before going over to his food bowl to fill his request.

Maybe not a great idea to take orders from my cat, but Cap and I had an understanding.

I grabbed Cap's food from the cabinet above his bowl, but before I could put anything in his dish, I heard a knock at my door. I set the food down on the counter, then quickly looked at Cap.

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