Truth Serum (Grant Ward)

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Prompt: "Do I have to do everything here?"

Summary: Ward and reader are both experienced Specialists on Coulson's team. During a bust on a group of mercenaries attempting to buy dangerous stolen technology, Ward and reader got separated from the rest of the team and ended up back at the Bus. They're both beat up, but they can't rest yet, because the rest of the team needs someone to cook up some truth serum, and Ward and reader are the only ones around to do it.

Day Twenty-Eight of Fictober on Tumblr!


"Ward, come in!"

"Go Simmons."

I listened in as Ward picked up his radio, the two of us marching up the ramp of the Bus. We'd been in the middle of a full-team field mission going after a group of mercs trying to buy some stolen tech, but we'd gotten separated from the rest of the team. Now, Coulson and everyone else were finishing catching the mercs, and they needed someone to mix up a dose of truth serum. Unfortunately, Ward and I were the only ones at the Bus, and time was of the essence if we wanted a better shot at catching any partners in crime. FitzSimmons were a pretty far drive away, which just left me and Ward.

It was up to us.

"Alright, first, go into the lab," said Simmons, her voice crackling over the radio.

"We got that part," Ward ground out. He didn't have much patience with the science kids at the best of times, but after we'd both been beat to hell fighting a group of baddies, his patience was thinner than usual. It didn't help that we didn't have time to patch each other up either, and we were just pushing through the cuts and bruises we'd recieved.

"Alright, then go to the supercooled freezer with chemicals, and grab the beaker with the red liquid."

Ward and I came to a stop outside the freezer in question and found a few different containers with red liquid.

"Which one is she talking about?" asked Ward, giving me a tired look.

"I don't know... Ask her."

Ward sighed, then flipped communications back on.

"Simmons, there's a bunch of stuff here with red liquid."

"Yes, but only one beaker."

I could see Ward getting ready to snap at Simmons, or else just crush the radio, so I reached out and gently took it from him before he could.

"What does the beaker look like, Simmons?"

"It's a cylinder with a small spout for pouring," she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I took a deep breath, then shoved the radio back at Ward before grabbing the matching container out of the fridge.

"Ask her what's next."

"What's next?"

I shot Grant a look as I pulled the beaker out of the fridge, and he gave me a sarcastic version of the same look back. I just smiled and shook my head, walking over to a clear lab table as Simmons continued her instructions.

"Alright, next, you need to get into the cupboard closest to the back door and get the bag of polymers from the stop shelf. It should be the only bag there."

I looked at Grant, and he just looked back at me. Neither of us moved for a minute, and then I sighed dramatically and went over to the cabinet in question.

"Do I have to do everything here?" I called as I went.

"Out of the two of us, you're the least likely to blow us both up. So yes."

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