"You're going to be on the road a lot, you're going to need a lot of things just for travel," my mom added.

"Yeah, I found this stroller with a car seat for the seat part, it detaches. It would work out when we're always on the move," I said.

"But are you mentally prepared to be a mother and a father?" My mom added, directed towards me and Niall.

I froze and looked at Niall.

"It's a big change," Maura said.

As excited as I was to be a mother, it would be different. It was a whole change in lifestyle. It would last forever.

I began to nod my head. "We've thought about it a lot," Niall said.

"We've got a lot of growing up to do," I said.

We had a long serious talk about being parents, and as intimidating as it was, it was also exciting. After dinner, we broke out the belly buds I got for Christmas. 

I ran the end with the two suction cup speakers under my dress and onto my stomach. The other end connected to my phone.

Niall put the camera on a table so he could record this moment.

I looked over the instructions quickly to see how to set it up and confirm that I was doing everything right so far.

"So, what's the first song that you want the baby to hear?" I asked Niall. We sat on the couch next to each other, and everybody else sat around us in a semi-circle.

It felt odd referring to Owen as "the baby", kind of when you refer to a dog as "it".  But there was no way we were ruining that secret.

"Maybe a little Night Changes," Niall said. He pulled his guitar up onto his lap and played a chord.

Everybody in the room was silent as Niall played to the baby. It was effortless. He sounded like an angel, and I knew because he was comfortable with the audience. 

He would stop for a second every now and then to close his eyes and purse his lips. He was playing for his son for the first time, the first of many. 

"He is one lucky boy to have a father who can sing like that," Greg said when Niall was finished. Niall cracked a smile but didn't look up from his guitar. I placed a hand on his back. 

"He's right," I added. This time, his eyes wandered to my stomach. "Next, I think we should play Sucker by Charli XCX at full volume." Niall bent back in laughter. I made him listen to it a few times in the car, and he was the only one who knew what I was talking about.

"We should do a Demi or Little Mix song so we could send the video to them later," Niall said. I made a mental note to do that when we got home.

"Any requests from the audience?" I asked.

"Play a good Irish song," Maura recommended. The only relatively Irish song that I knew was Act My Age, and I was almost positive that wasn't what she meant.

"Niall, maybe you know some Irish songs?" I asked.

"I'll play my favorite," Niall said, disconnecting my phone and replacing it with his. 

We stayed for a few more hours, exchanging presents and talking. It was the best Christmas ever. I'm not saying that the Christmas' that I spent with my mom were bad, but this one was filled with so much more excitement, and I got to spend it with my new family. 

Niall and I left to go back to his apartment, and then got some rest. It was so much fun being able to stay in Ireland for the week.

I got to spend even more time with Niall's family. 

I went out for a meal with Maura, Denise, and my mom. Niall and I visited his dad and Colin, who he had missed so much. 

We had a low-key New Year's eve. I couldn't drink, so we didn't get wild like most people our age. But then again, most people our age weren't having a baby.

All the fun that we were having almost made me forget what was waiting for us after the holidays.


Sorry this chapter is a little short but it was a good place to end to begin the next chapter.

Thank you for 4k reads! I love reading all of the comments and it makes me happy to know that people are actually reading and enjoying my work.

I spend so much time working on this and I'm glad that people actually like it.

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