Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

As soon as the words slipped out of Niall's mouth, I watched as a state of confusion and surprise washed over his family members. 

"Do you want to tell them who the father is?" I asked Niall.

"Oh yeah. Me," he said. We both sat tight on the couch a bit awkwardly. 

"When are you due? How far along are you?" Denise asked.

"I'm 15 weeks, and the baby is due on April 23rd," I said. I grabbed my bag and pulled out a picture. "I thought you might want a picture of the ultrasound." I handed a picture to Maura and her husband, one to Bobby, and one to Greg and Denise. 

They were all still in shock, but looking at the picture, their faces lit up. 

"This is-" Bobby began.

"Wow," Greg said. Niall and I looked at each other again. Niall took his phone and pulled up the most recent picture of us together with my stomach visable.

"This was taken a few weeks ago," he said, and passed his phone around. Looking at the picture, their faces eased. 

"This is amazing. I'm so happy for you," Greg said. Everybody else added in that they were happy too. "Theo! Come look at this! This is your cousin!" Greg showed Theo the ultrasound and he smiled. 

I laughed with relief.

"So how are you feeling?" Denise asked.

"I've had some rough days, but now that I'm in my second trimester, I'm feeling a lot better," I said, putting a hand on my stomach. 

"I honestly can't believe it," Maura said. The ultrasound shook in her unstable hands.

Niall got up and went to comfort his mom. 

"Give me a hug!" Denise said, and we both got out of our seats. She gave me a big hug. After that, everybody wanted a hug. I felt like I was accepted into the family. 

Last, I went over to Maura. 

"We would've told you sooner, but we really wanted to tell you in person, Mrs. Gallagher." I said. 

"This is big news. I'm so happy for you," she said, and I gave her a hug. "You can call me Maura."

"Thank you," I said with a big smile on my face. And this time, I didn't have to force it. I was so happy that Niall's family was being so supportive and accepting of me and our news.

"Just so you know, nobody can know about our relationship or the baby. There are very few people who know about it, and they're all sworn to secrecy. We have a plan about how we are going to reveal it to the public, but as of right now, this is a secret," Niall said.

"We won't tell anybody," Bobby said. Niall did his round of hugs and 'congratulations', and then sat back on the couch with me.

"To a new Horan baby!" Bobby said, raising his bottle. Everybody did a toast, and I took a sip of my water as an attempt to join in. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent with laughter and excitement. Niall and I were planning on leaving at four, but we were convinced to stay for dinner. 

We took a family picture and a picture of just Niall and I. I felt gorgeous in my dress with my bump barley showing, and I loved taking pictures. 

I was so glad that we were able to finally tell Niall's family our news, because it was a huge relief for the both of us. I never wanted to leave Ireland. 

I felt the jet lag catch up to me, after not being tired last night, I was exhausted now. Niall and I left at around 8. We said our 'good-byes', and they were honestly a lot less nerve-wracking than my 'hello's'. They were my family.

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